Chapter 3- part 3

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I swipe my hands over my hair and cast a silent spell over my head, meaning that he can’t read my thoughts for the time being. I think about how he already knows everything there is to know about me. I think about how I won’t have a private thought unless I cast a spell.

I turn to where Carlos is sat on the floor and I see that he is watching my every movement. I can tell that he told me that secret because he thought it would make me trust him, but instead it made me more paranoid.

I turn and lean my head against the door. I close my eyes and I hold back the tears. I hold my breath, so it doesn’t get out of control again, and I clench my fists. I hear Carlos stand up behind me. He then starts to talk, but I don’t listen, until he starts yelling.

‘EVERLYN!’ He shouts, trying to get my attention. I slam my fists against the door, hoping he will leave me alone. But he continues to shout.

‘WHAT?!’ I yell and I turn so quickly that I nearly fall. I let out a small, strangled scream when I see the reason for his yelling. Every sharp object that had been on the shelves are now floating and all pointing towards Carlos.

I swipe my hair with my hands against, so Carlos can get back into my head. He hears the thoughts I was thinking a few minutes again, and his eyes turn sad. But then they turn determined.

‘I can help, you just need to focus. Focus on happy things, and focus on me talking, do not focus on anything else,’ he states. I nod my head and I close my eyes and think of when one of my brother and I were playing in the garden at home. We were playing with magic, to see who could do the biggest tornado. My brother won at that time, but I managed to knock over three trees in the forest near our house.

‘Everlyn, open your eyes,’ I hear Carlos say. I open my eyes to see that all of the objects were back where they had been on the shelves. I release the breath that I had been holding and Carlos smiles.

I smile back, and then I let my legs give way and I fall to the floor. I look up at Carlos to see that his smile has dropped slightly.

‘What?’ I ask, and he gives a small cough and moves his hand forward, pointing towards my face. My own smile drops completely. I feel liquid on my face, just under my nose, and I wipe it away with my hand.

I look at my hand to see that there is blood on it. I get up off the floor and nearly fall again from the wave of nausea that whacks into me. I find the small mirror that I had found earlier and I look into it.

I see that I am having a nose bleed and there is a small trail of blood coming from my right eye as well. I wipe the blood away with my sleeves and I sit back down on the floor, with my back against the wall.

‘The blood from the eyes is normal for me, it’s when my body can’t take the control or too much magic. I’ve never had a nose bleed before though,’ I say to Carlod, who is looking for something on the shelves.

‘Maybe someone should look into that, because I know witches here and that doesn’t happen to them,’ he says, and comes over with a packet he had found. He passes the packet to me and I see that they are wipes. I use them to wipe the blood stains off my face.

I swipe my hands over my hair again, to block him from my thoughts. I think once again about how this place could help with my control. They have resources that I don’t, and if I do stay here then I won’t have to kill to feed, unless they make me. And with that thought I spiral down into the negative thoughts about staying here.

Maybe you should ask questions while you can, a more sensible part of me thinks. I turn to Carlos to see that he is staring at the door, and how he looks tired. Maybe it’s the effort of holding the door shut for so long.

‘I won’t run, you can let go,’ I say. He looks at me, and he can tell that I am telling the truth. He nods and there is a click from the door as it moves slightly. Carlos starts to stand, but I grab his arm and I pull him back down.

‘Can I ask you something?’ I ask him. He looks at me again and I can tell that he is surprised from what I have just said. He sits next to me again and nods.

‘Will I have to kill while I’m here?’ I ask. He thinks for a minute, probably thinking if he can tell me this or not.

‘Not during training, but if we are attacked or if we make a move then most likely,’ he replies, and I process this for a moment.
Carlos stands up again, and this time I let him. He opens the door and walks out, closing the door behind him. I hear him start to run and he goes down some stairs. I stay on the floor even though I know that I can leave and he won’t stop me.

I listen very careful to what is happening in the hallway, and after a few minutes I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opens and Carlos walks back in, but this time he is carrying a bag and a cup.

He sets them down on the floor in front of me, and I see that the bag is full of blood. I stare back up at him and he just shrugs, and smiles.

‘Thanks,’ I say and the rip open the top of the bag, completely ignore the cup, and I drink the whole bag in the matter of seconds.

I then realise that Carlos still can’t read my mind, and I swipe my hands over my head, to release the spell. He smiles again and sits down.

‘How did you know?’ I ask, he looks at me and I point to the now empty bag of blood.

‘I could see it on your face that you were hungry, I’ve seen that look on plenty of vampires before,’ he replies. I nod, understanding what he means. I always have that look on my face, I think to myself, knowing that he would hear. 

He laughs, and nods his head. He moves the empty bag and puts it into a bucket that was under the shelves.

‘Maybe I can try to stay here,’ I whisper, and when I don’t get a reply I assume that Carlos hadn’t heard me, but when I look up I see that he is looking at me with shock on his face. But only if you’ll help me, with my emotional issues, I think. He nods, and he gets on his feet.

‘But you’ll have to talk to Morgan first, and talk more about the agency, just to make sure that you are comfortable with everything,’ he explains. I nod, and I get on to my feet.

‘Maybe you can tell me more about the people here first, especially this Morgan person,’ I reply, and he nods.

‘But can we go somewhere less smell, such as my office, I’ll make sure no-one comes in?’ he asks, and I giggle and nod. We leave the cupboard and we make our way to his office. We go down a flight of stairs and I am lost again once we turn three corners.

‘I assume I will get a map for this place?’ I ask. Carlos laughs, and he has a look that says that he once had one himself.

‘Only if you think you will truly need one,’ he replies. We carry on walking and go down even more corridors. I think to myself, I’m definitely going to need one. This makes Carlos laugh again.

Eventually we make it to a door which has Carlos’s name on it. We enter, and straight away I am afraid to touch anything. Everything is so clean. He moves to the desk, and sits on the leather chair. He looks over to me and notices how stiff I am.

Then he reads my thoughts and realises that I am just trying to not make a mess. He makes a noise, which sounds like a choked laugh, and he suddenly wipes his hands over his desk and everything, except for his computer goes onto the floor.

‘Now it’s not so clean, please have a seat,’ he says. This makes me burst out with laugh, so much that I actually end up snorting.

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