Chapter 1- Part 3

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I slam the window shut the rest of the way and I close the curtains, so they can't see what I'm doing or get in. I wait a couple of minutes before I move to see if they will try and break in. But I hear them whispering outside and I decide to listen in.

'She knows about the guns, and that means she definitely won't trust us,' one of the men says, all I know is that it isn't Alex. There is a pause and this makes me think that they are either leaving or they are planning, and I don't want the latter.

'We will have to use force, but not too much, we don't want to scare her, we just want to get in, and talk to her' the woman, which is there, replies, but don't believe that she just wants to talk. Her words makes me feel more panicky and I run at full vampire speed up the stairs and too my room. I manage to pack all of my clothes, toiletries and all of my other stuff that is in my room into my backpack, in record time, and I run back downstairs and into the kitchen.

Before I can do anything in the kitchen, there is a loud crash noise, and I look out of the window area in the kitchen and I see that the front door has been forced off its hinges. I freeze and hold my breath, so they hopefully don't notice that I am in here, and hoping they will think I went out the back door and left, and then they will hopefully leave me alone.

'Check all the rooms upstairs and the basement,' the woman speaks, and I hear footsteps on the stairs and the rest of the group goes downstairs, I peer to make sure that the coast is clear and I make my move to finish packing.

I open the fridge, as slowly as I can and I stuff all the remaining food into my backpack and I put all of the remaining blood bags into the bin, not wanting them to burst in my bag, which means I won't have anything to eat, when I leave.

'MORGAN, YOU WANT TO SEE THIS, WE HAVE A PROBLEM,' I hear one of the men, that had gone down to the basement, shout up, to try and get attention from the rest of his group. Then I remember the people that I put down there, the people that I drained of blood, killed and left in the basement, I feel even more fear crawl into my chest, and I don't know what to do. I hear the group, that went upstairs, come down the stairs, and I hear one person go down the basement steps, while the rest stays in the lobby area of the motel.

I do a quick, and easy, spell to see who went downstairs into the basement and who is remaining upstairs, in the lobby, I want to know who is closest to me. I manage to see that Alex and one of the other guys is in the front room and that means that the woman and another one of the men, the one who hid his gun, is in the basement, which means only two people has seen the dead people.

I hear someone swearing, loudly, from the basement and the woman, who I assume is Morgan, and the remaining man returns to the front room, the woman looks slightly horrified, and the man looks like he may have thrown up, down in the basement. Surely they can't blame me, I can't control my hunger, and I need to feed.

There is a moment of silence, between the men and Morgan, but the men don't ask about what Morgan and the man saw in the basement, they just share a look to say that they would like to know.

Morgan sees the look that the men share and realises that she has to tell them, I can see that from here. She runs her hand through her hair, as if she is deciding to tell them or not. She looks around at her companions and from the look of her expression, she has decided, which is not good for me, cause that will mean they all know.

'The girl has been feeding off the people who live here, I didn't count but I assume that there is over twenty people, dead, in that basement, though each one looks like they were fed on quickly, meaning, she may not be able to control her thirst, or she just doesn't want to stop,' Morgan says to the men.

I feel angry at her second assumptions, she should not be calling me a monster when she doesn't know the situation. She assumes that I choose not to stop, I feel some of the fear is replaced by my anger, which isn't good for me, because that is also an issue for my magic and thirst.

Alex and his friend look like they have been slapped from the news that they have just received. However, I can smell their fear from the kitchen and there is a lot of it.

'But she's just a kid,' Alex says, this shocks me, I thought he would say something completely different to that. None of the men or Morgan replies to what Alex just said, they just look down at the floor like what he said is the most upsetting thing he could have said.

'Maybe she was never taught how to hide, or how to control her thirst,' One of the other men says, 'Or maybe she has nothing else to feed on,' he also suggests. Morgan nods at this but no-one else speaks.

Alex pulls some kind of syringe out off his back pocket and he places it into the gun, there is a clear liquid inside on the syringe, but I have no idea what it will do if it hits me. He must have a good aim because none of the other men do this, meaning they trust him to hit me, which doesn't make me feel any better. At least I will only have one person shooting at me, and not three.

I feel my heart racing in my chest, like it is trying to escape my rib cage, and I feel my magic wanting to surface, and burst free, but I know that may hurt the people talking in the lobby, but I can't help myself. Suddenly, the building starts to shake and I realise that it's me, I try to calm it but it just makes it worse.

The people from the agency seem to know that it is me as well, and this gets a reaction out of all of them.

'Everlyn, I know you're down here, and I know that you can hear me. I want to talk, that is all. However, you need to calm down and stop making the motel shaking,' Morgan says slowly. She assumes that I can control my magic but I know that I can't, I know that I can't stop this shaking, until I calm down, and that isn't going to happen with these people here.

I stand up as slowly as possible, trying to make any noise, and I hope that I can make it out of the back door, without being noticed, but I accidentally crash into a pan, that the chef must have dropped, on the floor when he was trying to fight me off, and I remember this pan well, he hit me on the head with it.

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