Chapter 1- part 2

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I enter the shopping centre and I walk straight to the clothes section first. I enter Primark, and I look at all of the tops, to see what my options are before choosing, and I manage to stay on all the cheapest stuff, the whole time. I decide to go with three plain, white tops, which I can change later, and I choose another three red, tight tops with a rose pattern on it.

I then look at all the trousers that are available, and I decide to go with four sets of tracksuit bottoms, so I can do a lot of running if I need to, and three sets of skinny jeans. I also throw in a couple pairs of underwear and socks and two new bras.

I pay for all of the new clothes and then I leave to the food section of the shopping mall. I never buy a lot of food because I don't want to waste all of my money and I know that this time won't be any different, I'll only buy what I need, just like every other time.

I go straight to the sandwich section because it is always on sale, and I love all the sandwiches that they have. I choose two BLT's and two chicken Mayo sandwiches, and I decide to get myself a treat, so I also get three doughnuts and, just to stay healthier, a few apples and I also put in a couple chicken soup cans. I also get a carton of milk and a small box of cereal, so I can have a late breakfast, when I get back to the motel.

I pay for all of the food and I leave to the ATM quickly, so I can get it over and done with, as quickly as I can. I get a hundred pounds out of my bank account, put it in my purse, and then I leave the shopping mall. I go to the bench, which it just outside of the shopping centre and I carefully stuff all of the bags into my backpack, so it's easier to carry on the way back.

I look up, having a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I look across the road, I notice two men are staring at me, but they have a confused expression, like they are trying to figure something out, and a few steps in front of them is a woman who is also staring at me, but she has no emotion on her face, she knows exactly what she is doing. I give them a shy smile, to see if they will look away, but I don't like how intense their stares are.

I start to run home, not wanting to have an encounter with these people. I look back over my shoulder one last time, just in time to see that another man has joined the group. They are all talking and one of the men points towards me.

I get back to the motel, after an hour of non-stop running and for once I am out of breath and I feel sticky from sweat. I head up to my room, get back my breath and I strip off my sweaty clothes. I go into the bathroom, and decide to have a wash.

I hop into the shower and I let the nice, hot water clean my body, and I let my muscle relax as the heat soaks into my skin. I look down and see my skinny legs and my under-weight torso, mainly because I don't eat a lot, and also the vampire side. The best thing about looking weak and skinny is that people will underestimate my strength, this will mean they will either leave me alone or they will be surprised to find out that I am stronger than I look.

I get out of the lovely, shower, unfortunately, and I go back into the bedroom and over to where my backpack is. I get the bag of new clothes out and I get dress.

I put on the new bra that I brought today. I also put on a pair of the new skinny jeans, after putting on a pair of new underwear. I also put on one of the new rose pattern tops, just because the look nice, and I don't want to change one of the white ones. I bend down and put on a new pair of socks and some of my favourite boots, which are easy to move, and run, in.

I go back over to my bed and I grab my sketch pad and colour pencils, which are always out, t get easy access to it. I also grab the food bag and I head downstairs to the kitchen area. I place all the food on the side and I make myself some breakfast.

I put the bowl of cereal down, next to my sketch pad and I open it to the next clean page. I get my drawing pencils out and I start to draw the face. The face of a boy I keep seeing in my good dreams, which I used to have before the nightmares.

I draw his black hair which is slightly shaggy looking, like he has bed hair and not brushed it, and his bright green eyes, he has an oval face and high cheek bones, which look perfect on him. He also has very pale skin, which is like mine, not many people has pale skin like mine.

I add in all of the details that I can remember from the dreams. I add all the colours needed and when I am finished, I feel like I am staring at the real thing, the face of the boy. The only thing that I wish for is that I can put a name to this face, to the gorgeous boy.

I am distracted by my thoughts towards the guy in the picture but I am interrupted by a knocking sound. I leave my breakfast, where it is, on the table, near my drawing. I get up, from the soft seats, from the table, and leave the kitchen. I walk to the window at the front of the motel, I push the curtain aside, just a little, so, hopefully the person there won't see me, and I look through it towards the door.

In front of the door, I see the four people that I saw outside of the shopping centre. The four people that wouldn't stop staring at me, and those men no longer have the confused expressions that they had before. I manage to hold back the fear, that is building up inside my chest and I open the window slightly, enough for them to hear me, but not enough for anyone to fit in.

'Can I help you?' I ask, surprised that I managed to keep my voice even and strong, so they don't hear the fear in my voice. They all turn to the window, in a creepy synchronize motion and one of the three men steps forward, and he even goes to the lengths of putting on a smile.

'Yes, young lady, you can, we are looking for Everlyn Chance. Do you know her?' The man asks, and judging by the tone of his voice, I can tell that, he already knows that I am the girl that they are looking for.

'Who's asking?' I ask, wondering how they know who I am, and if they know what I am. The man looks behind him to his companions and the woman nods, as if he needs her permission to answer my question.

'My name is Alex. I work for a company called S.T.A, it's the supernatural training agency, all paranormal creatures go there to learn, if they want to, of course' Alex replies. I feel the fear creep through my veins, like freezing cold ice, but I manage to push it down. I look at Alex like he is some kind of alien, or like he had said something stupid, and I wonder how he knows about me. So I decide to lie about who I am, to see if they will go away, mainly because I don't know or trust these people.

'I'm sorry, I've never heard of that company, or whatever it is, and I think you've confused me with someone else,' I reply and I can see that one of the other men, the one that joined the group late, earlier, who has yet to speak, is shaking his head, this confirms that he knows who I am. But how? I think to myself.

'You're definitely the person we are looking for, we got a description from the shops and it showed on the ATM machine, can we come in and have a talk?' Alex asks, as nicely as possible, but he refuses to look me in the eye when he says this, which usually tells me that a person is lying. I shake my head, I know for sure not the let people that I don't trust in, even if they are trying to act nice.

'I'm sorry, I really think you have the wrong person, and I am super busy right now, so I don't really have time to talk, how about you come back never again, and I won't tell anyone you were here,' I say. I begin to close the window but something catches my eye from Alex, and I check the other people to see if there is the same thing.

I look at Alex's belt and then the other men's belts too. In all three is the same weapon, a gun. The man behind Alex sees what I am looking at and his smile drops slightly, and he moves his coat so that he is covering the weapon up.

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