Chapter Three

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I was right at my door when I texted my mom.

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Mom I'm right @ the door.

{Mom}: K. How does that involve me?

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Is Dad up?

{Mom}: Yeah

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Well I'm gonna need u 2 distract him. I have his gift.

{Mom}: Oh ok hold on....ok you can come in.

{Nerd4Lyfe}: KK, thanx

I slowly and quietly opened the door and rushed to my room, closing the doors behind me. I went to my closet and got out wrapping paper and a big orange bow, which is his favorite color. When I finished wrapping I hid the gift in a bigger box and put it on the top shelf knowing my dad would be looking for his gift when I wasn't around. I went downstairs and found my parents sitting on the couch watching my favorite movie 'The Notebook'. "I can't believe you guys!" I shouted. "What?!" they asked in unison. "How come you didn't tell me you were watching 'The Notebook'?!" I said. "Oh." they replied in unison yet again. I sat in between them and watched.

A couple seconds after the movie ended I got a text from my friend.

{QueenB}: Hey girl

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Hey Bri, what's up?

{QueenB}: I'm bored. Wanna go 2 the mall with me?

"Hey mom can I go to the mall with Brianna?" I asked her. "Of course...have fun." she replied.

{Nerd4Lyfe}: Mom said I could go

{QueenB}: Awesome see you in 5

And like she said about 5 minutes later I heard the doorbell. When I got up and opened the door Brianna was there with a big smile on her face. "Ready to go?" she asked me. "Yeah let's go. Bye mom, bye dad!" When I walked out the house I saw Bri walk over to a royal blue mustang. "Dang is that yours?" I asked her impressed. "Yep. Got it for my birthday." she answered. Her birthday just pasted and she went to Paris. Luckily I was able to go with her and we had a blast. Bri is totally a Mindless Behavior fan. She always says how since she was born at the right time that meant she was meant to be with Ray Ray. The boys are about 17 or 18. When I got in the car I saw a huge picture of Mindless Behavior taped to the ceiling of her car. "BRIANNA!" I shouted. "What?!" she asked. "You're not supposed to tape things to your new car!" I answered reaching for the picture to take it down. "Touch it and I kill you." she warned which made me quickly put my hands down. Instead of pulling up in front of the mall we pulled up in front of the movie theaters. "What are we doing here? I thought we were going to the mall." I asked. "We are, but I just remembered that 'Ride Along' came out today." she answered.

After the movies we headed to the mall as planned and shopped at Forever 21, Bath&Body Works, and Apricot. When we finished shopping we headed to the food court. "So tell me about your day." Bri said trying to start up a conversation. "It was good at first then it got bad." I replied. "Why what happened?" she asked. "Well I went to Best Buy to get my dad a present because you know his birthday's coming up." I started explaining. She nodded. "Then that's when the store clerk said that Mindless Behavior were going to do a signing in a little bit..." Her eyes lit up which made me roll mine. "Then I was in there for too long and I saw them. Princeton came up to me and started burying me in questions. Then when I finally got the perfect gift he snatched it out of my hand and paid for it." I finished which gave her confused look. "I'm not getting the bad part about this story." she said. "The bad part was MB. You know I can't stand them and Princeton was asking for a beat down. I never thought he would be that annoying." I replied. "ANNOYING?! Oh come on BJ. He was just being nice. That was really sweet of him to buy that for you." she said. "You need to give them a chance!" she snapped. "When they stop being.....them then I'll give them a chance. But everyone knows that they're only doing this for the girls. They're just sweet talking all of them and when they get tired break their heart. Everyone knows that including you, nobody just wants to admit it." I snapped back. She looked at me in shock then heaved a big sigh. "Let's drop this conversation please." she calmly said. "Gladly."

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