Chapter Ten

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When Bri and I made it to school, we went to our lockers to get our stuff for first and second block. That's when I spotted Kyle and Amber walking towards us with smirks on their faces. I just rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them with Bri doing the same. That's when I heard their footsteps stop. When I looked back up at them they were 2 feet away and their attention was on something behind me, but I didn't look thinking it was a trick. That's when I saw Kyle's mouth twitching in anger. Then he and Amber left without a second glance our way. Then I felt someone's minty breathe down my neck. "Hey beautiful." the mystery voice said. I turned around ready to slap the person when I found out it was Prince. "Oh hey Prince." I greeted with a small wave. "Hey who did you think I was?" he asked. "Just another boy trying to hit on me." I answered rolling my eyes. "Well can you really blame these brothers for trying?" he asked looking me up and down with a smile. I started to blush fiercely. When I looked over at Bri, Ray had his arm around her. "Are you guys dating or something?" I asked pointing at them. Bri started to nod happily obviously speechless. "Well we'll see you guys later. Oh and by the way, why are you guys here?" I asked that's when Bri's smile quickly faded and she developed the same confused look as me. "Well we're spending the semester here instead of being home schooled." Roc answered startling me. I completely forgot him and Prod were even there and I guess Bri did too. I gave a quick to Prince before walking to class with Bri's arms looped in mine. "So when were you planning  on telling me you and Ray were a thing?" I asked eyeing her. "Well I was gonna wait until I woke up, because I didn't really believe it at first. I still can't believe Ray's my boyfriend, but I'm scared." she replied. "Why? Ray's a nice guy and I'm sure he would never hurt you." I explained. "I know that, but that won't stop girls from launching themselves at him. Especially Amber, man I can't stand that girl all the time." she said and I nodded in agreement. If Ray did end up hurting me and him would have a long talk that'll result in someone going to the hospital.

Prince's POV

The school day went by in a blur and before I knew it, it was lunch time. The guys and I were sitting at the lunch table receiving dreamy glances from girls at the other tables. "I'm surprised none of the girls have tackled us yet." Roc said. "The day's still young." Prod replied. "Well we don't have to worry about that. The principal said who ever does something crazy will get a 10 day suspension." I said playing with my food with my fork. "Man I miss Bri. I wonder what's she doing now." Ray said looking at his phone. "Gym." I answered. "So what about you and BJ. Are y'all friends? Are y'all still 'secret keepers'? Or are y'all dating?" Ray asked locking his phone. "I think we're friends. Now that we're spending more time together she's not mean to me anymore like she was before. But there's something about her that's really I've known her for longer than just a year and some change." I explained and the guys just shrugged.  The rest of lunch was silent and all we heard were the mumbling of other people.


After gym it was time for lunch and I was so glad even though the food was gonna be nasty like always. Bri and I were sitting at a table and she was telling me more about Ray, but I was too deep in thought to pay her any mind. "What's wrong B?" Bri asked bringing me back to reality. "It's just that there's something about Prince that's really familiar. Like I've known him before he became famous." I explained. "Well maybe you do. You never know." she added which made me nod my head. "Maybe your right. Eh, I'll find out sooner or later." I said. For the rest of the lunch period she continued going on and on about Ray and this time I actually listened. This is the first time I've listened to her talk about Mindless Behavior and not want to vomit.

Prince's POV

When the school day ended we walked out to be greeted by Bri and BJ. "Well it took you long enough." BJ complained sarcastically. "Do ya'll wanna hang at my house today?" she asked. "Sorry, but Prod, Roc, and I have homework." Ray said putting his arm around Bri. "But it's the first day of school." Bri pointed out. "And your point is?" Prod asked which made Bri put her hands up in surrender. "I'll hand out with you today BJ." I chimed in. That's when Bri gave BJ a smirk which made her roll her eyes. "Sure I'll love to have you over. Bye guys." BJ said before grabbing my hand and departing from the others. When we made it to her house we walked in and I looked around. This place was amazing. "Hey mom, hey dad!" she called out. "Hey sweetie, how was school?" he mom asked walking out of the kitchen. "It's was cool. I'll like to introduce to you a friend of mine, Prince." she said pointing to me and I gave the mom a small smile and wave. "Jacob?! Is that really you? My have you grown!" her mom said to me giving me a hug. I look at BJ in confusion and she just shrugged her shoulders. "It's been so long. I'm glad to see you've guys finally reunited." she continued. "Mom what are you talking about?" BJ asked. "Don't you remember? Jacob used to be your best friend ever since second grade. About a year before Jacob became famous you guys stopped talking to each other. I don't know why, but you just stopped and you never saw each other again." she explained. That's when a look of remembrance came across both of mine and BJ's face. "Ohhhhh!" we said in unison. "I knew there was something familiar about you. I was talking to Bri about it at lunch." BJ said. "Same here with the guys." I replied. Then smiled and nodded at each other. Man the girl I'm in love with is my long lost best friend.

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