Chapter Four

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1 Year Later


"Baby get up." My mom said gently shaking me awake. "But mom it's Saturday." I whined turning over. "You can't sleep in all day. Go out and do something." my mom pleaded. "Fine!" I said frustrated. She left the room leaving me to get ready. I wore gray sweats, gray sweatshirt, green Chuck Taylor's, a green bandana, and a green left glove. I grabbed my phone and left the house to the mall. When I got there I went straight to Bath&Body Works.

10 minutes later when I was still browsing I heard ear-splitting screams. They were familiar. The same screams that I heard when Mindless Behavior walked into Best Buy. It couldn't be them though, they were still on tour and already hit L.A. After I got the lotions, perfumes, and lipgloss I wanted I went to the counter. "$25.60" the lady said after she rung up my things. I got out my money from my sweats pocket and was about to give it to her when a hand beat me to it. "Thank you sir." the lady said to the mysterious person. When I turned around I almost slapped who was there. I grabbed my things and rushed past him, but was stopped when he grabbed my arm. "What Prince?!" I shouted. "I don't get a thank you?" I asked. "No you don't! You know why?! Because I didn't need your help paying for my things! In case you haven't noticed I'm not a charity case and I don't need your donations!" I barked. He seemed hurt by my outburst. I calmed down. "I'm sorry, but I don't need you buying things for me. I have the money. Thank you for being nice, but I don't really need it." I said nicely putting my hand on his shoulder. I hated touching him, but I felt so back for telling him off. His smile returned and I quickly took my hand off of him. "But what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on tour." I asked. "Well in case YOU haven't notice a year passed. Tour's over so were just chilin right now." he answered. "Oh. That's right a year did past." I realized. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. Was he nervous or something? "Do you think I could join you? You know with your shopping?" He asked not looking up. I was about to say no when he looked up at me. He stuck out his bottom lip. I kept shaking my head no, but I couldn't stand his stare. "Fine! You can come with me!" I finally said. "Just don't make that face again...EVER!" He smiled and gave me a hug, but I didn't hug back. I gently pushed him off of me. While we were walking around the mall it was dead silent between us. The only sounds we heard we the mumbling of people's conversations, the noises of people's shopping bags, and their footsteps. "Now I know you don't like me..." he started to say. "But I was thinking maybe we could be...well not exactly friends, but still be in each other's lives...." I gave him a confused look. What was this fool talking about? "Like when we're having a real bad day and we don't want to talk to anybody else. We'll be there for each other. Develop a trust between each other. Be each other's secret keeper." he explained. Secret Keeper? Why would I want to be this fool's secret keeper? Why would I want him to be mine? I looked at him for moment and he was serious...dead serious. No smile, no laugh, no nothing. Just seriousness.

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