Chapter 1

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"God dammit Gabriel give me my fucking phone." I yelled chasing him around the house.

"Never!" He said stopping and looking at my phone. He smiled before unlocking. Remind me to never give him the password to my phone again.

"Gabe please." I said trying to take it but he held it over my head.

"No. I'm in here as Gabe heart heart heart." He said looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

"Please." I said realizing how close our mouths were. My best friend and crush of almost two years was so close. And he just found out the name on his name on my phone.

"Kiss me." He said and I froze.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I quickly sat up in bed out of breath. I turned the alarm clock off before looking at Gabe asleep on the floor. It was just a dream. My dad was out of town with some buddies of his from work. I looked at the clock and it read six thirty. Ugh its too damn early. I crawled out of bed and on to the floor. I sat on my knees and shook him.

"Gabe wake up." I said shaking him.

"Come on we have school." I said a few minuets later.

"Fine." I said then walked out to wake my baby brother up.

"Harry wake up." I said running my hands over his brown curls.

"Is James back?" He asked talking about our father and I smiled sadly

"No but I wanted you to wake up." I said and he smiled.

"Good I don't like him he hurts you mommy." He said wrapping his short arms around my neck. I rubbed his back. He calls me mom because I am the only person he has ever know as a parent figure.

"I know baby I know." I said rubbing his back.

"I have to go wake up the bear." I said messing up his curls.

"Okay I guess I will change." He said and I nodded.

I went downstairs and grabbed a cup then filled it up with cold water. I walked back upstairs and threw it on Gabe.

"What the hell!?" He yelled sitting up and I just smiled.

"I tried to wake you up but you were being a pain in the ass so I poured cold water on you." I said explained grabbing my e-cig.

"That was no excuse to pour cold water on me." He said getting up.

"Yes it was." I said with a smirk.

"Well guess who gets a hug." He said and I froze.

"Gabriel so help me if you hug me I will never talk to you." I said back up slowly.

"Well you're never going to talk to me again then." He said then wrapped his big warm arms around me. Any other time I would have loved to have a hug but he was wet, cold and he knows I can't stand to be wet. Well that sounded sexual I though to myself.

"Ewwww get off of me you're cold and wet." I said pushing him away. He pulled away and I could see a flash of hurt in his eyes. I gave him one of my famous go to hell looks then turned to see Harry running in with a worried look on his face. When he saw we were playing around he smiled.

"Hey little buddy." Gabe said squatting and holding his arms out for a hug.Harry smiled before running over and hugging Gabe.

"Did you brush your teeth?" I asked and he shook his head before walking out.

"You know you love me." He said continuing the coversation from earlier.

"Yes even though you're a jackass." I said hugging him.

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