Chapter 5

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Kaeleigh's POV

Gabe is taking me on our first date. I looked in the mirror and groaned. I look like shit.

I decided to curl my hair and put in my blue contacts that Gabe likes so much. After I did my make up I walked into the bedroom and started going through the clothes that I brought. I picked my Gabe's Slipknot t-shirt and a pair of black ripped skinny jean with yellow tights underneath.

"Why does he like me I'm so ew?" I asked myself looking in the mirror. I walked into the bedroom to see that Harry had woken up.

"Mommy you look beautiful." Harry said and I smiled.

"Thank you baby." I said messing up his already mess curls.

Fat,ugly,worthless,not worthy of love. My brain started to attack me. My mind stopped when the door opened and Gabe said he was back.

I walked out of the room turning off the lights with Harry right behind me. I smiled and grabbed my e-cig off the table.

"Wow." He said and I started to panic.

"What do I look bad?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"No you look absolutely beautiful." He said running his through his hair.

"Thanks." I said setting walking towards him the wrapping my arms around him needing the contact.

"It's the truth." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.

"I miss you." I said and he chuckled lightly.

"I missed you too. I'm going to go get ready." He said and I frowned before letting go.

I sat down on the couch and waited. Ten minuets later the door opened and I stood up. Damn he looks hot. He's in a pair of tight grey skinny jean and a White Chapel t-shirt.

"Where are we going?" I asked after checking him out.

"That baby is a surprise." He said and I frowned before grabbing his and following him out the door.

"Is your mom going to watch Harry?" I asked and he nodded.

"You know you look hot." I said after we go in the car.

"As do you." He said and I blushed looking down at my lap.

"Thanks." I said learning it was easier to agree than argue.

"Baby you really are beautiful." He said never taking his eyes off the road.

"I wish I could believe you." I said trying not to cry.

"And I wish I could make you see it. One day you will see that you are beautiful because I'm going to make you believe you are. You're perfect." He said and I had to try even harder not to cry.

"You going to make me cry if you don't stop." I said smiling.

"Okay." He said holding his hand out. I smiled before taking his hand and looking out the window.

"We here." He said getting out of the car and opening my door.

"I feel underdressed." I said and he shook his head.

"You look fine batman." He said pecking my lips then grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the entrance.

"That was.... Different." I said getting into the car.

"Yeah." He said then started driving.

"Now where are we going?" I asked and he smirked.

"I'm not telling you." He said and I groaned.

"Babe don't be like that." I said and he just flashed me his breath taking smile.

"We are almost there baby." He said and I nodded.

About five minuets later we arrived at the beach.

"You're cheesy." I said and he shrugged.

"What about you're parents? I mean you stay with me all the time where are they?" I asked five minuets late while we walked on the beach.

"They work. I stopped by today wen I was out making reservations." He said and I nodded.

"Oh." I said looking at your hands.

"You can meet them if you want but you have to know something's first." He said and I was confused.

"Two things and if wait a minuet I will tell you the first." He said as we walked into some trees. He took me further into the wooded area until we came to a big fallen tree. I sat down and wait for him to talk.

"Okay what I'm about to show you might scare you. Please no matter how scared you get don't run off." He said and I started to panic.

"Okay." I said slowly.

He walked off behind a tree and started taking off his clothes. He stood there for a minuet and then there was a popping noise. A second later a big brownish red wolf appeared. His paws were black and so were the tips of his ears. I was admiring him then it hit me. He is twice my size something could trigger him and he could kill me. I slow started backing up till my back hit a tree. I slowly slid down and cried. The guy that I'm in love with is really a wolf that could rip my head off. I heard whining and looked up. He was standing right there. He rubbed his nose against my legs and laid his head in my lap.

"Go change back I want to talk." I said my voice cracking. He got up ran over to the tree and change. I stood back up as he walked up.

"I'm a werewolf and I'm the next alpha of the Sliver Streak pack. I'm going to keep it simple and I'm not going to overwhelm you. But we all have soul mates. Someone we are meant to be with for forever. Andy is Ashley's mate and you are mine. Look I know it's a lot to take in but I will help you." He said and I started crying again.

"Gabe I'm sorry but I need time to think." I said then turned around and walked off.

Once I got out of the woods I ran down the street. Once I got to the main road I slowed down and walked. My boyfriend of almost three months is a werewolf. Not to mention my best friend since forever is one too. I probably have make up running down my face but I don't care.

After walking around town until I found where Gabe took me. I grabbed Harry and even though I didn't want to I took him back my fathers house. My fathers car was in the driveway but I don't care. He can't hurt me anymore than Gabe has. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.


Oh no what have I done? I'm sorry.

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