Chapter 10

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Kaeleigh's POV

I woke in the middle of the night out of breath and sweating. I looked down and I was naked. I blushed remembering last night. My hand found it way to my neck and touched where he marked me. His back was towards me so I slowly slid out of the bed. I put some clothes on and grabbed my e-cig and the charger to it. I dug through my bag and grabbed my money. I looked back at Gabe with tears running down my face.

"I love you." I whispered before running out of the house.

I know what you're thinking. The bitch is crazy she just agreed to have sex with him and then left. Well you see as we went further I didn't have flashbacks like before. But when I had a nightmare that night instead of my abusive ex Ryan forcing me to do sexual thing with him and hitting me if I didn't it was Gabe. That's why I left. No I do not think that Gabe would ever do that to me it just I'm ashamed because I had the dream that he did.

After stuffing my stuff in my bra I walked into Walmart and headed to the row with the razors. After grabbing a few packs of them I headed to the check out.

"Emo bitch." The cashier lady mumbled under her breath.

"Fuck you too bitch." I said after paying and grabbing my stuff before walking to my house.

I walked in the door and shut it. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the vodka and whiskey.

I'm drunk. So drunk I'm in tears and slurring random words. I took the notes that I wrote before I started drinking and my razors upstairs with me.

I laid them on my bed and sat in the corner across form it.

I took my blade in my hand placed seven deep cuts on my arm. I switched hands and did the same. I moved to my thighs and did the same thing.

I started to get dizzy and quickly mind linked Gabe.

'I love you forever and always.' I said and and I blacked out.

A white light that's all I could see. Until a figure walked towards me.

"My love why have you done this to your self." A beautiful lady with a angelic voice asked.

"I don't know. I felt so ashamed comparing Gabe to Ryan. I know he would never hurt me but I don't know I just thought it would be easier to end it all. And I remembered all the names he used to call me and it made me think maybe he was using me." I said to the pale purple haired goddess.

"Well I'm not letting you end it like this. You were meant for something great. I will tell you since you won't remember but I chose you to be the one who is stronger than every wolf because you are here to help fight a war that is coming in the near future." She said and I nodded.

"Who are you?" I asked and she smiled.

"I'm the moon goddess." She said simply and I nodded.

She was a little taller than me, pale purple hair and eyes to match, pale pink lips an a white dress. She was beautiful.

"They miss you." She said and I frowned slightly.

"How long have I been out?" I asked and she look at me.

"2 weeks. That little one Harry he is adorable." She said smiling.

"I know I love him and Gabe so much I can believe I tried to end it all over one nightmare." I said crying.

"I know love well I'm going to let you wake up know but you won't remember this when you do." She said and then she was gone.

The bright light that once surrounded me was gone. I'm uncomfortable, there is an annoying beep sound coming from somewhere, it sounds like someone is crying, and holding my hand.

"What the hell is that noise?" I asked weakly not opening my eyes.

"Kaeleigh?" A very hoarse sounding Gabe asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled out again my eyes still closed.

"I've miss you so much babe." He said and I smiled well at lease I think I did.

"Mhm now give me a kiss." I said and I felt him press his lips to mine.

"Mommy?" Harry asked and I opened my eyes. He looks awful. His hair is everywhere, he has huge bags under his eye, his eyes are red and puffy, and he is pale.

"Hey baby." I said as he crawled into bed next me. I looked back up at Gabe and he didn't look any better.

"Why?" Harry asked looking at me sadly.

"It's complicated baby." I said stroking his hair ignoring the pain that is shooting through my arm.

"Please don't ever do it again. I was so scared." He said and I nodded tears rolling down my face.

"I promise baby." I said said hugging him and he nodded nuzzling into my side. A few minuets later he was asleep and I looked at Gabe.

"I'm sorry." I told him and he looked at me.

"It's okay batman." He said smiling slightly.

"No it's not I tried to end my life over the stupidest thing. I love you and Harry so much." I said tears still falling down my face.

"I love you too." He said then kissed me.

"Will you call Andy come get Harry he needs to go to take a shower and sleep in his bed?" I asked and Gabe nodded pulled out his phone.

It's now ten at night and Ashley and Andy left with Harry.

"I'm cold." I told Gabe.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He asked an I could tell he was sleepy.

"Get me the hell out of here so I cuddle with you." I said and he smiled.

"I wish I could." He said and I nodded.

Gabe talked to me until I fell asleep.

I was woken up but the doctors talking to Gabe.

"Usually we don't release suicide patients a few days after they wake up but it turns out that she has antidepressants she hasn't been taking. So we are going to release her with those. She can go home today. Just make sure you keep her cuts clean and to bring her back in about 2 weeks." The doctor said and Gabe smiled.

"Okay." Gabe said and looked at me.

"I'm gonna so sign the papers I will be back." He said and I nodded.

While he was signing the papers they came in and took all the needs and stuff out of me.

I smiled and gave them a quiet thanks before walking to the bathroom to change.

I looked at my bandaged legs and arms and frowned. It hurt like hell to move them. I pulled in my sweats, put on a bra, and then slid into Gabe's batman hoodie that he brought and was wearing earlier.

"Ready beautiful." He asked when I walk out and I nodded.

"Yes." I said walked over and painfully throwing my arms around him. I wince and he went to pull away.

"Don't." I said holding him tighter. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you so much." He said when we pulled away.

"I love you too." I said and pecked him on his lips. He smiled an grabbed my hand.

"I missed you." He said pulling in to the drive way.

"I missed you too now can we go in and cuddle?" I asked and he smiled then nodded.

After I got through all the people I put Harry on my back and walked in to mine and Gabe's room.

I laid down with Harry in my arms and Gabe came in and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.


Sorry for the shitty updates. I have major writers block. So is anyone reading this or should I stop updating?

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