Chapter 11

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Gabe's POV

The night he found her.

I rolled over looking for the warmth of my mate. I frowned think maybe Harry had a nightmare and she went to lay him back down.

A few minuets later I tried to mind link her but she had me shut out which wasn't normal. I stood up and walked in to Harry's room. I opened the door and she wasn't in there

I started to panic a little and went to Andy's room. She wasn't in there either.

'I love you forever and always.' Her voice sounded but it was faint and slurred. I ran out the door.

"What the hell where are you?" My dad asked when I answered the phone.

"Kaeleigh she is either leaving me or she is about to commit suicide." I said as the tears ran down my face.

"Okay." He said and i hung up the phone.

I drove to her house with tears running down my face.

I turn the car off and ran to the front door.

"Kaeleigh!?" I called sniffing the air an it smelt if blood.

"No." I repeated over and over as I took the stair two at a time.

I burst through the bedroom door and fell to my knees. She had huge cuts on her arms and legs that were still bleeding. I got up and found a rag and wet it. I started to clean her cuts while I call an ambulance.

I told them what happened and the address.

"Baby please hold on you can die in me please." I pleaded cleaning her cuts.

The ambulance arrived and took us to the emergence room.

They took her to the back to hook her up to IVs and bandage her up.

I called my dad and told him what happened.

Not even twenty minuets after I called Andy and Ashley showed up. Andy was in years and his eyeliner was everywhere. Ashley looked helpless as they walked over to me. I was still in tears and I felt helpless.

"He woke up and told me to drive here what's going on?" Ashley asked sitting next to me and pulling Andy in his lap.

"She tried to commit suicide." I said and Andy let out a pained sound.

"Sometime I think he loves her more than me." Ashley said holding Andy tighter.

"I think the same thing but in the end we are the ones they come back to." I said wiping my eyes.

"Yeah." He said and I nodded.

"Gabe Sliver?" A nurse asked a few hours later and my head shot up.

"Yeah?" I asked and she walked over.

"Who are they?" She asked point to the two guys next to me.

"Her brothers." I lied and she nodded.

"You can come back and she her now. She lost a lot of blood. She will wake up but we don't know when it depends in her healing rate. Could take a few day could take a few weeks." She explained and we nodded.

She lead us back to her room and I started crying.

Two weeks later (the day she wakes up)

It has been two weeks and her heart has stopped twice. I haven't let her side except to take a shower and change but then Andy was with her. My parents tried shoving food down my throat but that didn't work it just ended coming back up.

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