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After Davina left the dance floor, i pushed IU away and tell her to stop bothering me cuz she's just nothing but one of those girls i used to have fun before . I started looking for Davina. I went back  to our table thinking  that she might  be there but she's  not. I scan the whole place but i never saw her. Then i thought maybe she went to the bathroom  so i take another shot of whiskey  before  i drag myself to the bathroom . I walk pass through the crowded dance floor towards the bathroom. But little  did i know that someone's been following  me. When I'm  about  to turn to where the bathroom is, i was pushed by someone on the wall. I turn  around to see who it was and to my surprise , it's IU.

" What the hell do you want? I already told you to leave me alone. "

" Shhhh.... shut your mouth pretty  boy, i know you still like me and you definitely want this.... "

She grab my neck and pull me for a deep kiss. Yes IU is pretty and hot but I'm not interested  in her. I just fucked her before for fun & nothing  more. She's  a complete  slut and there's  no way I'm gonna fall for her. I pushed her away but unfortunately for me, Davina went out of the bathroom and she saw us right  that moment where I'm trying  to stop IU from kissing  me. Davina's eyes widen and i can see tears forming  at the corner of her eyes. If earlier her eyes looks so warm, now it looks so cold & fierce.  I pushed IU hard that she fell on the floor.

" Why the hell did you pushed  me away ? " she complained as she gets back on her feet.

" I told you to stop & stay the hell away from me , but you didn't listen "

I'm washing my hands after i done my business in the bathroom when I hear someone talking outside but i can't clearly understand what they're  talking  about since the music is too loud. I can only hear a man & a woman's voice. I ignored  them and dried my hands but when i went out of the bathroom, i was  shocked. The voices i heard earlier  belongs to Jungkook  and that girl at the dance  floor. They were kissing but it looks like Jungkook is trying  to push the girl away. I want to think  it that way but because of my trust issues , i don't  know what to believe at this moment. Jungkook  pushed  the girl and she fell on the floor then he steps towards  me trying to explain .

" Davina please let me explain. It's  not what you think  it is "

But my tears are already  threatening  to fall. I hold my breath, my eyes went cold. I don't  know why i felt  this angry and pained. I don't even have the right to be, for fuck's sake. I decided to just walk passed them but the girl blocked my way.

" Well,  well, well .... looks like you find another toy to play with Jungkook dear. Is she the reason why you're pushing me away ?"

" It's none of your fucking business IU. And she's not my toy . Because she's definitely not like you. "

" Ouch ! That hurts. Why so rude pretty boy, didn't i satisfied you in bed ? Does she fuck you better that i did ?"

My blood suddenly boiled with her words. My body temperature rises to 50°c, if that's even possible . I really want to punch her pretty slutty face but i hold myself back. I don't want to make a scene especially when it comes to boy issues. I'm not that stupid to make such a desperate move, as what i consider it to be. But i won't make myself a loser in front of them so i did what i think would be best in this situation.

" Look miss, whoever you are. If you want Jungkook that desperately, you can have him. HE IS ALL YOURS.... I won't fight for a piece of meat, I'm not starving anyway. "

I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms waiting for her response. She lets out a pissed off chuckle with my simple but insulting attack.

" What did you say ? Are you insulting me ? Do you know who i am? "

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