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¡Hola mi amigos (y amigas :3)! So I can here to just shout out some people! So the first person is HugMaster she is fabulous~! The next one is Spanish-Prussian their stories are amazing! Third is AuthorDev her stories are fab and deserve reads! Fourth is APH_ItalyVargas ¡aye que lindo! Fifth is APH_Sicily more fab and adorable people. Sixth AristocraticLilGirl she is like my bestie irl and is FAB~!!! Seventh XxFiricianaxX she is so fun and is amazing and awesome! And probably my favorite APH_RomanoVargas . I mean like I die cuteness and fabulousness every time I speak with them (especially HugMaster XxFiricianaxX and APH_RomanoVargas )! They all make fabulous stories so por favor, check them out! Please, please, please check them out they are all fabulous and amazing and make amazing stories! It would make me so happy if you did go and check them out! Ok, so lo siento for bothering you if I am! And if you do check them out then Gracias! Ok so gracias for reading! ¡Adios!

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