Chapter 7

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Ophelia Bellerose:
Sophie and i did a bit of small talk when we arrived in the classroom.
"Ahh girls so nice of you to grace us with your presence !" I could sense the sarcasm in his voice. Yay and one unhappy teacher ! ( sarcasm)
"So-sorry mam. B-but sh-she's new. And i h-had to show her around."
I feel sorry for the girl. I started looking around. All the girls were giving me death stares, the guys were drooling over me. Yuk! The teacher and Sophie were still talking and it just got me annoyed, i just wanted to sit down and get this day over with.
"I don't mean to intrude on your little chit chat here, but i'm not here to stand and look pretty. Soo if you don't mind me introducing myself so that we can move on with our day. Cheers!"
Dean Hunter :
I had made my way to my first class: Science with Mrs Reid. Great...
The boys and I walked in and the girls were looking at us like we were meat. I hate it! I mean i love the attention makes my ego stay intact, a one night stand here and there. I'm a dude i need to make the ladies want me but some of them take it too far.
Anyway i sat down at the back of the classroom with Ace in front of me and Ben two seats to my left.

The class started when someone knocked on the door. I really couldn't be asked to look up. Whispers came round the room, girls saying "what a bitch" "slut" and all the rest. The boys were saying " she's fit!" And stuff. When Sophie the nerd talked i didn't bother look up, she's not worth it. But then i heard that voice. Not any voice but her voice. That sexy, sassy British accent. It was her! My Sunshine! She was here, in my school, in my class!
I had this weird exiting feeling.
I need to stop thinking about her like that!
She was sassing the teacher and than finally presented herself
" Hi. I'm Ophelia Bellerose and i'm sure you guessed i'm new here."
"Thank you Ophelia, find a seat."
Ophelia... Ophelia... it makes her even more beautiful. It's just a name , but it's her name.

I was still day dreaming when the chair next to me moved. I turned to see who it was when i heard:
"Well isn't it my knight in shining leather, jerk face."
Man she was beautiful, even more than the first time i saw her.
Ophelia Bellerose :
After i presented my self ( i really hate doing that but you get used to being the 'new girl' . I was walking towards the back of the class when i recognised the guy from central park. Still in his leather jacket. It fitted him to well!!
I pulled the chair and sat down next to him with a smirk growing on my face
"Well isn't it my night in shining leather, jerk face."
The lesson went by so slowly. Jerk face told me his name was Dean Hunter. But Jerk face suits him better ;) haha.
Anyway, during the lesson he kept playing with my hair it was annoyingly cute. I was having theses evil glares from the girls. I'm guessing he is considered as the 'hot guys' and i can't blame them.
I rushed out of the class once it was finished. I trotted to my locker and left Dean hanging.

I arrived at my locker and was brought back to reality went i heard a clip clop of heals coming my way. The bitch squad, just my luck *eye roll*
I closed my locker and said
"What can i do for you ladies?"
"Wow you are pretty, but not as much as me."
The bitch queen said. She was , in heels, a bit shorter than me. She has brown hair with extensions, her real hair was burnt at the ends , i suppose because she applied heat to it to much. Her face pancaked with makeup up... you get the picture.
"Um, thanks i guess."
"Omg so adorbs! Are you from England ?"
"I wander what gave it away?" I said in the most sarcastic voice i could paired with an eye roll.
" listen you bitch, don't you dare cross me or .. well you don't want to know."
" yeah, same goes to you than! Bye bye" and i just left. I was walking to my next class trying not to draw to much attention to my self and trying to ignore all the cat calls from the asswipes when i crashed into something hard. I was bracing myself to fall on my bum but i didn't fall.
I was held in a warm embrace and when i looked up i wasn't expecting to see Dean and his gorgeous green eyes.
My breath was speeding up and he smelt so good, like real good. I came out of my day dream by two words
" hello Sunshine" and i think i turned bright red. Gosh why me!
Dean Hunter:
I was walking with the boys and talking about shit when something came crashing into me. That sweet smell of blossom trees and pink pomegranate. I held her to stop her falling to the ground. She was nested in my chest and all i could say when my eyes met hers was
"Hello Sunshine."

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