Chapter 35

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Ophelia Bellerose:

She continued with the story of my birthday and the more she continued the more my eyes were bursting with tears.

« He took all those bullets for me? » i asked my voice cracking at the end.

Mollie only nodded, tears leaving her eyes too.

« He loves you more than life itself. He looked everywhere for you, he never stopped. » she continued.

I felt terrible for treating Roghan like i did. Ace too. I'm such a terrible daughter.

I sobbed again harder than i have realising that i was acting like a hurt little girl, acting as if no one could understand the pain i was going through when my dad and Twin were living in hell for so long.

« We never knew where your mother took you. She mustn't have kept you long because you ended up in the care system. But when we found you... »

She paused and took me in her arms cradling me as a mother should.

« When we found you we all became whole again. Especially for father. I had never seen him so happy and full of hope. »

« and here i am breaking his heart all over again because of mu behaviour. » i cried just adding more to the guilt.

« Honey." She sighed running a hand through my hair.

" why didn't he take me in with him? Why did i go with you and Trey?"

I needed to know, the question was burning my tongue. As much as i regret how i acted towards him i wanted to know why he didn't take me in, he is my dad.

"We didn't want to throw you to the wolves like that. Trey and i had a calmer life, it was always just the two of us and having a woman in the house was what we thought you needed. I don't think that things would have been the same if you had been living with Ace and your dad."

She had a point.

"It's getting late now, we best get in before the boys send a research team. Besides i need to go see Trey."

She had a look of longing. I had almost forgotten about Trey.

"Is he alright?" I asked concerned as we made our way to the door.

"He's alright. He's on bed rest and he hates it." She laughed a little at the end.

"He really would like to see you." She called out just before we stepped past the door.

"I would like to see him too, maybe tomorrow?" She smiled at me wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

I opened the door and saw Dean, Roghan, Michael, Ben and Ace basically listening to the door.

Dean's mum walked past with a tired looking Alice in her arms.

"I told you not to listen at the door." She sang before disappearing into another room.

My eyes met with the same ocean blue eyes that I inherited. 

I ran straight into my dad's arms crying. He was in shock at the beginning but ended up circling his arms around me holding me close to him, scared that I would slip through his fingers once more.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed, my body shaking uncontrollably.

"My Angel, it's ok. I forgive you. I love you, my baby. I could never be mad." he cooed in my ear.

I continued to cry in his arms for a little while, I hadn't realised that he had brought me to sit on the sofa. he pulled my legs up so that they were draped over his, holding me like a baby in his arms.

Once I calmed down, I pulled my head away from his chest to look at him. His eyes were a little red and glossy which let me know that he had probably shed his own tears while I was crying. I looked around and saw that the only other person in the room that was left was Ace. 

He probably looked as bad as Roghan did, only breaking my heart further. I put my hand out to him letting him know that he can join us. I swung my legs off the sofa and stood up only to be crushed back into a hug.

"You have no idea how difficult it was not to tell you that you were my sister. I wanted to tell you so bad and when they took you away, it was like you left all over again," he confessed his voice breaking at the end.

I stayed cuddled in Ace's arms while our dad, sounds really weird to call him that, was telling us stories about when we were little before I was taken.

I hadn't realised that I had fallen asleep in my brother's arms until I was shaken awake to eat dinner.

After that, we had to figure out where I was staying, with Trey and Mollie or with my dad and brother.

I wasn't quite sure who I wanted the most to be with. to be honest, I would have prefered to have stayed with Trey and Mollie since I had been there since the beginning and I knew them more, I had the dogs I know the house an where things are from there, it was familiar. but here, in this house, I barely know where the bathroom is.

In the end, it was settled that I would stay with Ace and my dad since the other house was being renovated because of the damage that was done to it when I was kidnapped. Trey was on bed rest but was out of the hospital section of the gang house. 

Roghan had already set up a room for me just next to Ace's. Mollie and Trey would stay here too until the house was back on track, both dogs would be here too so I was still in a familiar environment and not just left right away with people I haven't been with forever. 

Dean was staying with me for a few days, I was too scared to be left by myself and I didn't want Dean to leave me. I love him so much, he is so good to me.

Tomorrow they will start the search and see who is behind this whole trying to kill me extravaganza, even if I am pretty sure my so-called mother is behind all this.

Why does she hate me so much?


Sorry for the long wait to update...

Life happened! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try and get this story wrapped up before I start University. Bear with me on this one.

 Bear with me on this one

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