Chapter 19

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Song of the chapter : Here by Alissia Cara :) enjoy!!

Ophelia Bellerose:

The car ride was pretty silent. We left with two cars, i was in Dean's car with Ace and Sophie and Ben were in his.

Once we pulled up at Nigel's house i knew that this will be a long and painful night...

Teens sprawled across the lawn, some making out, other doing a bit more than that, some puking up. I don't even dare to see what it must be inside with the music blasting.

I walked in the house and the smell of sweat and other illegal substances hit me like a bus. I stumbled back lightly only to be steadied by Dean.

He took my hand and walked me to the kitchen and to be honest i already wish this night was over and nothing had even happened yet. Ben dragged Sophie to the dance floor and Ace left to talk to Nigel but while still keeping an eye on me.

So i was left with Dean in the kitchen. He turned to me

"What do you want to drink?" He leaned over on the counter and i just shrugged

"Dunno, nothing alcoholic though. Maybe just a water. Cheers" he nodded and turned to the fridge to get me a water bottle while he prepped his drink.

An hour has pasted and during my dancing i had lost Dean and the rest of the boys. I pushed through on the dance floor when i walked into a wall.

"Hello there Doll"

I froze at that voice, dreadful memories come rushing over me. It was crazy how much they are alike.

"Brad." I whispered in shock. I really wished i wasn't there in front of him.

What the boys don't know is that i have P.E with him and he is always trying to flirt with me but not in a nice way. Since that day in the cafeteria he has been chasing me ever since.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

He placed his hands on my hips and came closer to my face.

"Ohhh Doll, now you already know what i want." He was clearly drunk out of his mind. He brought me closer to him and i just froze. I don't know how to react to him. So many bad memories came resurfacing.

~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~

2 years ago:

"Come on Oph, come with me and Josh to the party" Dylan pleaded.

"Fine!" Not like i had any choice because if i said no he would have made me pay later on.

We had arrived in a little loft full of students from our school and some others that i didn't know.

I decided to have a bit to drink since it was my first 'real' party. Dylan kept me close while sucking of the face of the school slut, i mean, there is one everywhere.

I decided to walk off and see if i could find a person i knew so that i could escape Dylan for at least a couple hours.

I was dancing with my lab partner, nothing too close up when i was pulled away roughly by the elbow.

"Come here you bitch! We're going home to have some fun." I knew it was him. His breath smelt like vodka and rhum, he was clearly drunk.His voice send chills down my spine and not the good kind.

Once we arrived back 'home' he pushed me down the stairs to the basement. I ended up flat on the ground curling up in a ball, and hell did that fall hurt.

"Goodnight Doll, next time don't you dare leave my sight you little slut."

And with that he left me on the cold hard ground. And i didn't even do anything wrong.
And since that night i've been afraid to got to parties.

~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~

Brad dragged me past all the sweaty bodies pushing some on the way.

Before i knew it i was pinned to the wall in an unknown room, completely unnoticed by the rest of the party people.

He was blocking me in between the wall and himself and i just stood there in complete and utter shock. I know i can get away. I've done it before, but for some reason when i'm in front on him i freeze, like i did with Dylan.

He kept one hand holding my wrists above my head and the other was roaming my body.

"Oohhh baby... that body... " he groaned as his hands found the button of jeans. His breath was horrid and i cringed at the smell.

I started crying full on knowing what was awaiting me.

"Stop. Brad pl-please stop." I said between sobs. I built some courage and tried pushing him off me, wiggling in his grip to set myself free from him.

"PLEASE! GET OFF ME!!" I yelled as loud as i could.

"Shut up you bitch!" He spat slapping me across the face. I fell to the floor.
Good thing is that he let me go! Always try and see the positive in a bad situation. My mind was going into 'shit mode'. Where i become so positive over something so silly like a rapist letting go of his grip my slapping me.

He knelt by me and roughly took my chin in his hand.

"Stop screaming! No body can here you anyway."

"You wanna bet?" I hissed very sassily at him. And i'm back! At least my sassy mouth his. My body is still frozen from him.
I picked me up and threw me onto the bed that was in the room. He hovered over me trying to hold me still. Key word here trying.

I yelled and moved as much as i could. He managed to rip my top off leaving me only in my bra under him.


And that was the last thing i said before things started getting blurry...

I'm leaving y'all on a nasty cliff hanger.

Hope you enjoy this chapter even if it was a bit short...

Bye my lovelies!!

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