chapter 28

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Ophelia Bellerose:

My alarm rang indicating me it was time to get my arse out of bed to start my day before having to go to school.

My birthday is coming up soon and I haven't spoken about it to anyone because I don't want to do anything special even though it's my 18th birthday and I should be doing a great big party and stuff but I don't really want to. I never , or at least don't remember, ever having a proper birthday party as such.

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, a random t-shirt and slipped on the sweater that I stole from Dean the other day then ran down the stairs to eat then ran back up cleaning my faec, brushing my hair and teeth before putting my white converses and slipping out of the house to walk both dogs.

when I came back home Dean was in the living room waiting for me. We kissed goof morning and then I waved good by to Mollie and Trey who were the first to know after Dean's mum that we were dating. next to know are Ace, Ben and Sophie and  to be honest I am a little worried about their reaction, more so Ace's reaction.

I mean he is like a big brother to me and I want him to approve of my decision and I know that Dean and him are best friends and I don't want to make things weird between them and us.

We walked into school hand in hands earning a couple looks and whispers from other peers.

"It's going to be alright Sunshine." Dean said sensing how uneasy I felt about this. He kissed the to of my head and lead me to my locker so that I could get my stuff.

I was caught in a hug by none other than Sophie and that soon followed by the boys.

We chatted a little before the bell rang.

"I'll see you later." I stood on my tip toes placing my hands around Dean's shoulders and planted a long kiss that started to heat up.

I hear a few gasps and I squeal from Sophie. We pulled away to catch a breath and I turned to see the looks on my friends faces. Ben seemed to be a little in shock, Sophie was grinning ear to ear but the reaction I was the most afraid of was Ace's and he didn't look to pleased with what he saw.

He glared at Dean and he returned it. It was like they were having a mind link or something making me feel a little uncomfortable. I want to be happy but for some reason it hurt me to see Ace like that. Soon enough he stormed off.

"Ace!" I called trying to run after him but a hand stoped me from my elbow.

"Let him think it through. He needs a little time." Dean brought me back into his chest as Ben spoke those words. I nodded my head feeling a little sad that he reacted like that.

Arrived lunch time I took Ace aside since he wasn't talking to either of us and didn't dare to look me in the eyes.

"What is your problem?" I asked but then soon realised that my voice came out a little too harsh.

"What do you mean I am perfectly fine." He grumbled still not meeting my eyes.

"No you are not. You have been in a sort of bitch mode since you saw me kiss Dean this morning, again what is your problem?" I crossed my arms in hope that my point came across.

"Nothing is wrong..." He sighed finally looking into my eyes.

"Then why are you acting like that? Is it because Dean and I are official? I knew this was a bad idea, I told Dean to keep it under hush, I don't like all the attention it is bringing me -" I was rambling along letting my insecurities free.

"I'm happy that you guys are finally dating, I promise.. it's just that I wasn't expecting it so soon. I just.. I see you as my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt, I only want to see you happy. I guess I was just a little upset that he didn't ask me permission first." He confessed taking me in his arms for a much needed hug.

"Then why didn't you say so first? He would off understood if you had told him." He patted the top of my head sighing again, man he is really good at sighing!

"You're right I should have."

"You guys need to talk it out." He nodded then we made our way back to the rest of the group.

"Hey man can we talk?" Ace asked shoving his hands into the front of his jean pockets. Dean looked and me and I nodded telling him to go.

Both boys stood up and left, about 10 minutes later they resurfaced laughing like nothing had happened, and I was glad that things went back to normal between the two.

The day came to an end, the boys and I ended up at my place to watch movies, Sophie had to go back home saying her mum needed her for something.

I was sat on Dean's lap, snuggled into his chest as he ran his hands up and down my back making small patterns. Ace and Ben were with both dogs on the other end stuffing their faces as much as they could, especially Ben.

Half way through the second movie Dean's phone rang causing Ace to pauses the tv.

"Mmm, yeah. Ok. They are here. On our way." And then Dean hung up.

"We need to go." He flatly said looking at the two others who nodded getting up and putting their shoes and jackets on.

Dean sat me back down on the sofa and kissed the top of my head before heading past the door. I ran out after him.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you Sunshine, it's for your own good." I sighed rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Oh so know I can't even know where you are going and why? Why do the boys have to go too? Can't one of you stay? I don't want to be alone tonight...." I put my head down only for a finger to be placed under my chin to lift it up again.

"I'm sorry babe, I will explain everything when the time is right but for the moment we have to go. I'll call you later." He kissed me and before I had time to say anything else they were zooming down the street in their cars.

-----time skip to later that evening-----

I was too scared to go to bed. Mollie and Trey were not home tonight and I felt like I was been followed when I took the dogs out for their evening walk.

I locked all the door and windows, becoming a bed burrito on the sofa keeping both dogs downstairs as I drank my cup of tea.

A know interrupted me in my paranoia making me jump and spill a little bit of tea on my quilt. Cursing at that I looked at the time and my nerves came back on edge. Sensing my insecurities the dogs started barking when the knocks started again a little louder this time.

I slowly stood up taking a pan from the kitchen and making my way to the front door down the stairs.

I opened the door ready to hit who ever was trying to possibly agrees me when my eyes met with a pair of green ones.


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