Care to tell me why you've been eye fucking my best friend?

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I swear I was about to have a heart attack. Every hair on my body was standing on end.
After Wes and I began walking to class she appeared along with her friend.

God she's even more stunning up close.

She was studying me with her golden brown eyes. Wes glanced at me before he too stiffened under the gaze of her red headed friend. Neither of us knowing what to do or what to say.

Breaking the silence her red headed friend cleared her throat. "So" she began "Care to tell me why you've been basically eye fucking my best friend all week?"

My. Heart. Stopped. All color drained from my face as my mouth became extremely dry. They noticed me watching?! Wes glanced over at me barely holding in his laugher. Jackass. I glanced over at the red head as she continued to smirk at me. Mustering up any bit of confidence I had, I did the only thing I could thing of. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Rolling her eyes she cocked out a hip placing a hand on it "Yeah and my hair is platinum blonde" she retorted. That caused a snort to tumble out of her mouth. It took all of me not to stare at her in awe. "Look here red." Wes snapped "Parker would never look in either of your directions. He has plenty of other girls he can give his attention to." His face then contorted into a malicious grin "And quite frankly neither of you are all that attractive."
Reds face contorted with anger as she marched up to Wes. Their argument slowly faded out of my hearing as I glanced in her direction.

Laughing nervously I scratched the back of my neck and turned to her. "Sorry about him," I chuckled "He can be a little.... egotistical." She finally glanced my way but her expression was something I never wanted to see. She looked at me with a gaze filled with anger and disgust as her face turned up into a grimace. Her eyes narrowed into thin slits and her full lips tightened into a firmer line. "Why are you even talking to me. You already had your goon explain that you're too good for us." air quoting the last phrase.

Cringing I fumbled to do damage control. I couldn't have the girl who's caught my attention so effortless slip from me before I even learned her name.

"I'm so sorry about what he said. It was all wrong and he was a douche for saying that stuff. All of what he said isn't true at all. If anything you guys seem more put together than either of us, so if anyone of us is better it's--" I was cut off by a sound I wished of hearing.

She was laughing.

My mind went blank as her laughter filled my ears. It was in no way cute and light. It was loud and strangely resembled a seagull, but to me it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Her eyes crinkled as she gripped her stomach and tears sprang to the corner of her eyes. I felt like the king of the world.
"Dude it's fine everyone knows your best friend can be a bigheaded dick," she chuckled. "Anyways" she wiped the corners of her eyes smile still on her face "What's your name Grey?"

Grey? What is she talking about?

I looked down at my clothing and saw I was wearing a blue Odd Future  shirt and black jeans. Grey was nowhere in sight. Then her chuckle filled my ears and I was again filled with warmth. "I'm talking about your eyes dope," she smiled. My cheeks burned with the blush that I'm sure was present. I'm such a dumbass. I scratched the back of my neck smiling sheepishly at my own stupidity.

My gaze reconnected with hers and I saw expectancy in her shining green eyes. "Are you going to tell me your name?" she questioned with a chuckle. I'm such a moron. "P-Parker" I mumbled out. I'm a moron and a loser. Mentally face palming I averted my gaze from hers.

"Well P-Parker," she said with a smirk "I'm Imani. Nice to put a name to the face that's been staring at me all week," she teased, and again my face burned bright red.
A laugh tumbled out of her mouth and only one thought came to my mind.

This girl will be the death of me.

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