Which girl are you referring to

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It's been a week since I went over to Mani's house.

It's also been a week since Imani has spoken to anybody. She hasn't been coming to school and the only one who might know something about her sudden disappearance is Blake,and her lips are sealed. Grabbing my books from my locker, the door is slammed shut and I come face to face with Eli Maxwell. "Parker right?" The only thing I can feel is disgust from being up close to him.

"What do you want." I want to get this over with as soon as possible. It's the end of the day and if I'm late for practice I'll probably get 50 suicides as a punishment. "You're friends with Imani right? Any idea where she might be?" For someone who's supposed to be an important part of Imani's life he sure doesn't seem to know a lot about her.

Shoving my books in my bag I send a glare at him. "Considering we just became friends last week, it's pretty clear I don't know to much about her. If anything you should know more about where she could be than me." Sending him a tight smile I turn to go to practice.

Clearly he isn't used to being brushed off though.

"Look I just want to figure out where she is."

Did he seriously not understand what I told him? "I just told you I don't know." I deadpan "Look I have to get to practice." And quite frankly I want to avoid punching you in the face. Hiking my book bag higher on my shoulder I turn to leave again, but once again he speaks up.

"Look I know you have a thing for my girl, so I would think you'd be more willing to help." I can hear the smugness in his voice and punching him doesn't feel like such a bad idea.

"Which girl are you referring to?"

Smirking at his shocked face I turn for the third time and thankfully this time he stays rooted to his spot.


"Alright 100 cool down then get out of here."

Never in my life has my body burned as much as it did right now. Thankfully I made it for practice in time, but the punishment I was trying to avoid ended up being one of my sets. Chugging down my second water bottle I groan thinking of how sore I'm going to be when I get home. "Parker remind me to never again set new bars." Ryder wheezes out.

Since we both qualified for state we got put in a separate lane from the rest of the team and got sentenced to a much harder workout. Throwing my head back to catch my breath I nod in agreement. Had to be the stupidest thing I've even done in swim. Placing my goggles back over my eyes I push off the wall chuckling when I hear Ryder groaning about me being a try hard. I know neither of us plan on going fast at all and I savor in the feeling of my hand carving it's way into the water.

It's as if the water is hugging every part of my body as I slide my way through. It's a beast looking for its next victim to many, but to me it's the only place I can have a clear head. As I make my second turn all I can think about is finishing this cool down. Not even Imani can take dominance over my mind in the water. Maybe it's because distractions can lead to drowning, but I'd like to that the water calms my hyperactive mind. All to soon I finish my cool down and take off my cap and goggles.

Not to long after Ryder coast into the wall doing the same. Looking over I him I realize that he might have an idea of where Imani might be too. I guess expectancy showed all over my face cause his expression hardened the second he looked at me. "I'm not in the position to tell you where she is. It's not my secret to tell." Immediately my hope is squashed and he climbs out of the pool not looking back.

Park and AniOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora