Pray for my baby

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I'm going to apologize in advance for what takes place in this chapter because 1. it is potentially triggering so read with caution and 2. it's quite an awful cliff hanger. So yeah... don't kill me *hides behind bed*


Never in my whole swim life have I been more distracted in the water than I am today. Not only did I get chewed out by my coaches for skipping class, much to Ryder's amusement, but they've also gotten on me either not paying attention to what they're saying or just doing the workout wrong altogether.

"Parker! Are you even listening?"

Blinking out of my daze I come face-to-face with an extremely pissed off coach Paul.

"I'll repeat it one more time, I want you and Ryder to do four 200 IM's with twenty seconds rest in between. Start on the bottom." he grumbles before marching over to the other lanes to bark out their sets.

"What's got your head in the clouds? Plus, why'd you skip everyone was wondering where you and Ani were at lunch?"

Mentally cringing I glance over at Ryder slowly pulling my goggles over my eyes. One glance made it clear to me that he's slowly but surely connecting the pieces together.

"Wait a second were you-"

Before he gets a second to finish that thought I push off the wall into a streamline before starting my favorite stroke.


In no time at all I finish my 50 of fly and immediate flip into my backstroke, aka my worse stroke. Initially I was completely zoned in on my set, but unsurprisingly my thoughts drift back to her. More specifically the kiss we just shared.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't hold back at all because the second her lips were on mine all previous morals were tossed out the window. Her lips have always looked full and soft and from firsthand experience, they don't just look they are. I can still feel her unintentionally molding herself into me eliminating the space I had between us making it even harder for me to not get to... handsy. I can almost feel her smooth skin under my hands as she left herself as vulnerable as I've ever seen her, and she showed this side of herself to a loser like me. God knows I'd do just about anything to feel what happened again. Whether it's her smooth skin on my palms, her plump lips on my own, the small nips she did during our kiss, or, the best of all, the feeling her her smiling against my lips.

My daydreaming is abruptly cut off when I come crashing into the pool edge from not paying attention to how far I was from the wall. I instantly plant my feet rubbing my skull before running through my mental checklist of checking for a concussion

My visions not blurry

Even though I looked insane talking to myself, it's clear my speech isn't slurred

Not nauseous

No dizziness and my balance is still good

After personally clearing myself, I push off the wall into breaststroke and eventually finish the set.

Coming up for air after the last freestyle of my last IM I groan at the sudden sheet of paper at the end of my lane. Woopdy damn doo, these demons that call themselves my coach decided it'd be fun to give me four 100 fly for my first non-warm up set. Sick bastards.

"So, before you so rudely interrupted me, were you and Ani together Parkey boy?" Ryder questions waggling his eyebrows like an idiot.

Rolling my eyes, I prep myself for his teasing after giving him a tiny nod. From my small movement a Grinch like grin crawls across his face, and honestly, he looks like a freak. Gliding over to our separating lane line he continues his stupid eyebrow wiggling this time adding in a little shoulder dance.

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