Our time

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It was hotter than hell outside, and our lovely school has all of us standing outside the stadium each of us dawning our cap and gowns in this blazing heat for at least thirty minutes already. My poor female classmates that beat their face for this special day frantically fanning their currently melting faces. However, even amidst all of us baking in the heat of the May sun, every single last one of us is beaming with joy.

It's finally our time.

We're all about ten minutes from finally being let into the stadium to take our seats before, finally, each of us is called up to grab our diplomas and finally be considered high school graduates. I can't lie, I'm torn between being beyond ready to leave this hell hole and also a sense of sadness that this truly marks the end of my childhood and my first step into adulthood.

"Damnn! Yameena's entire right side of her face is melted off." Jasmine points out drawing our small group attention to the poor classmate that is about two seconds from a mental breakdown.

"And that is exactly why I used nothing but a bit of concealer and mascara," Liza quips before giving herself a firm pat on her own back earning a small chuckle from Chandler.

The creaking of the door to the left of us promptly ended our conversations as a gust of cool air graced our sweaty bodies. Mrs. Higgs poking her head out from the small crack.

"Okay. I need each of you to get in a single file line and come in in an orderly fashion." Her meek voice gives away the dread she feels because she and the rest of us all know, all hell is about to break loose.

A boy right in front of the door swiftly forces the door completely open earning a squeal of fear from Mrs. Higgs and a bulrush of students stampeding though the now open door.

"Oh, thank God," Parker groans before slumping onto my back.

Almost instantly I jab an elbow into his stomach forcing him back to his upright position.

"Parker you know damn well it's too hot for all that." I laugh before helping him fix the cap that was now slightly lopsided on the top of his head.

He rolls his eyes before pinching my butt with a smug expression and rushing off to the rest of the guys before I could get a chance to swat him.

Two arms wrap around me, trapping me in the middle of both Liza and Blake. Both of their eyebrows waggling like and excited dogs butt.

They didn't even have to say anything to let me know that they saw what just happened.

"Parker seems to have gotten a little more handsy than usual. Don't you agree Liza," Blake teases mouth curled up in a sneaky smile.

"Oh, most definitely. I remember, like, last week he would blush like a dope if he so much as hugged Ani. I'm pretty sure he went into cardiac arrest anytime they kissed too," Liza teases back clearly enjoying this little game her, and Blake are playing.

Both of them hip bump me back and forth between the two of them as their silent plea of asking the question they already know the answer to.

I roll my eyes before biting my cheek to hold back the laugh that's begging to be released.

"I have no clue what either of y'all are talking about." I lie

I'm positive my expression gave away the answer, but they've never been nice enough to simply catch a hint.

If they were, we'd most definitely not be friends. Each of us have fully accepted and embraced the fact that we're all a bunch of assholes to one another.

"OH MY GOD IMANI DID YOU AND PARKER FU-" Slamming my hand over her mouth I shoot Blake a glare before turning the same glare to Liza who's crippled with laughter.

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