You kind of remind me of Morty

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If someone told me that the girl I'd been crushing on since last year would become a friend of mine, I'd probably laugh at the chance of that ever happening. It's even harder to believe said crush is in my house right now. The entire friendship we've built surpassed any expectations I had for this school year, and if that hadn't caught me off guard already then her question certainly did.

My entire mouth went dry as if it too wanted to hold back from embarrassing myself and my entire body stiffened. I see curiosity twinkling in her eyes as she tilts her head to the side. I can't answer her question whether or not I truly wanted to because I'm certain it'd chase her off and I don't want that to happen. So with that decision the first lie pours out my mouth.

"I don't really have an answer to that yet." I laugh nervously.

It's a complete lie. The list of qualities I like about Imani has been growing since I've met her. Secrets and all. It dawned on me then that I had no obligation to reveal how I felt about her since she can't follow those obligations herself. The weight of the lie lifted of my shoulder when I validated my actions. Probably still messed up but no body is perfect.

She crosses her arms with a small pout and raised eyebrow no doubt catching my lie, but I don't even have time to worry about that because immediately my eyes were drawn to her lips. Not even a second later her lips are quirked up into a sly smirk. "Sure you don't Park." She chuckles out.

Snatching the remote she scrolls through the channels in search of a new mind numbing show to watch. A mischievous gleam appears in her eyes when she finally decides on a show, and the space sounding theme song instantly has me groaning as Imani laughs at my expense.

"Come on! Rick and Morty is hilarious!" She teases ignoring my glare

"What part of an alcoholic grandpa and a dumb grandson messing up the universe is funny?"

She turns to me a mock disbelief folding her hands over her heart and falling back onto the couch. "Park that almost killed me. The entirety of the show is hilarious." She whines out much like Keilani does when I complain about watching Dora with her.

Rolling my eyes I reach for the remote but she snatches it away smirking at me again. "If I remember correctly, you did this same thing at my house." Frowning even more I grunt before facing the idiotic show.

"It's not that bad Park. Plus you kinda remind me of Morty."

Whipping around my jaw goes slack and she laughs even more.

"You're both constantly fidgety, nervous and slightly dull at times." She laughs.

"When have I ever been dull!?"

She just laughs even more shaking her head refusing to answer that question.

"Well then fine you're like Rick."

Her eyebrow raised and she gestures for me to explain.

"You both sarcastic, can be rude, and secretive"

From the way her face fell, I realized adding the secretive part was a stupid mistake. As fast as it fell it brightened again which lightened the weight on my chest.

"You left out fun, hilarious, and a drunk" she giggled

Rolling my eyes I struggled to see how she found the show so amazing. Just as she finished rounds of laughter over a robotic dog, her phone sprung to life. Reaching into her back pocket, she read the text smile still present until it immediately dropped from her face. Scrambling off the couch she dialed a number at finger dislocating speed and began pacing across the room, hand buried in her hair. Even with stress and worry written across her face, my idiotic brain couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked, or how much I wanted run my fingers through her hair.

The thoughts were swept from my brain when she uttered the word "Mom?" fear and concern obvious in her tone. The voice on the other end was muffled making it impossible to understand, but from the disbelief that showed in Mani's face I assume that whatever she's being told is something she's been longing to hear for a while.

"He remembers us?" she whispers, eyes filling with unshed tears, weak smile across her face. Her hand came up to her mouth as she muffled her tears of joy to hear what her mother was saying. Glancing over at me, she offered a small smile mouthing an apology. Giving her a thumbs up she nodded at her mother walking into Keilani's playroom shutting the door behind her.

As much as I wanted to press my ear to the door and unravel part of Imani's secrets, I turned to the television distracting myself with an irresponsible grandfather and his idiotic grandson.


Three episodes later she finally emerged from the playroom looking much less enthusiastic and much more drained than she was when she first got the phone call. Trudging over she fell onto the couch smothering her face with a throw pillow. Rolling onto her back, she removes the pillow hair splayed across my lap.

"Park. As much fun as I was having, I have to get home. Do you mind driving me?" I've never heard her more tired and monotone than she was right now. Even when I was merely a creep staring at her from across the hall. Nodding my head I move from the couch pulling her up by her outstretched hand. "What made you have to leave so sudden?" I question glancing at the clock. She had only been here for a little over an hour, and from how she burrowed herself into the couch before her mom called, it didn't seem like she planned on leaving as soon as she is.

Sighing softly, she mumbled something to herself thinking heavily over her response. Breathing out a quiet "Fuck it." Turning towards me with a determined gleam in her eyes, she grabs my arm hauling me out the room.

"Family stuff. No big deal." she mumbles out, voice completely void of any emotion. If there's one thing I know about Imani, it's that she always speaks with emotion, so to hear her speak with such a monotone tone it was clear that it was a big deal. Biting my tongue I offer a short nod that she visibly relaxes at.

"Siddy? Where are you doing?" Keilani muses from the couch still glued to the T.V. Just like that the switch to her positive energetic side flipped as she skipped over to my sister pulling her into a hug. Ruffling her hair, she explains that she has to go home to help her mom which upset her until Imani tells her that she'll be back another time.

Turning back to me she nods over to the stairs before climbing them herself.

"I'll be back soon Gemi. If mom ask, tell her I'm dropping Mani off." She nods her head giving me a tiny salute making me chuckle. Climbing the stairs we walk outside to the car no words exchanged. Only time she speaks is to offer directions on when to turn and which landmark we were about to pass.

After about 10 minutes we pull up to her quaint tan house, and her mom is already outside with two bags at her feet. Shifting to park I turn to Imani questions on the tip of my tongue. She takes notice and only offers me a small smile. "Thanks for the ride Park, but as you can see I have to go." she leans over to give me a quick hug and my heart and breathing stop the second her coconut scent came closer effectively distracting me.

I regain my senses when I see her clambering out the car. Reaching for her wrist I ask the one question I wouldn't let her shimmy out of.

"Will I see you on Monday?"

A warm smile spreads across her face as she nods finally shutting the door, and for one second I'm okay with her keeping a protective wall around life.

But then again, the was the second lie I've told today.

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