What's got your panties in a twist

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The steady beat from the house could be heard from the entrance of the the neighborhood again making me question how Ryder managed to convince me to come to this even though I'm exhausted. "Parker come on its not that big a deal. We're a team it's normal for us to all hang out together." Glancing at me he grins at my scowl before turning back to the road. 

It's not that I don't like my team, quite the opposite. Living in this city my whole life and starting swim at three has led me to meeting the majority of my teammates at a early age, but even though I've known them my whole life doesn't mean that we're all inseparable. Many of the one that I was friends with in middle school I can't stand anymore, and some that I used to hate are now one of my closest friends. If it's not clear I'm referring to Ryder. Now I'm being forced to go to one of their house and have a small 'swim team only' party. 

If the music pounding out the house proves anything, it proves that this isn't just a small teammate only party. 

For once I'd rather be at home doing homework. 

Pulling up to the house I'm proven right when I see the endless line of parked cars for a team of about sixty. "Take me back home." 


Yanking me out the car he drags me over to the house before frowning at my expression. "Come on Parker you can't be so antisocial all the time." Rolling my eyes I ring the doorbell before shooting him a fake smile. He looks like he was about to say something but the door opening cut him off. We're greeted by a girl with freckles and blue hair already increasing my desire to go home. 

"Who are you?" She snapped. Looking over at Ryder I see he's just as thrown off as I am. He doesn't let it show for to long before he plasters on a coy smirk walking right past her through the door. Doing my best not to laugh at her shocked expression I mumble an apology before walking in after Ryder. 

The smell of sweat and beer rushes up the second I step foot in the house nearly making me gag. Tons of tangled limbs, stumbling drunks, and scream singers filled the first floor. 

As much as I hate to admit it, the positive vibe is contagious and I find myself embarrassing myself with my teammates

 "I'm actually really surprised you came Parker." a raspy voice sounds out beside me.  Looking over I come face to face with Sydney Roswell. 

Sydney and I haven't spoken since second grade, and even then she only said I was really weird. She's one of the tallest girls on the team towering above both girls and guys at 6'1. Her hair falls in soft sandy brown waves to the middle of her back. Much like any other teenager she has acne lining her cheeks, but it can almost pass for freckles if you don't look to hard. She's a pretty girl I'll admit that, but her name instantly has me thinking of someone else. 

Laughing loudly she nudges my side as if I told the funniest joke of the year. "Look I know we haven't spoken in a while but I think we could be come really close." The way she emphasized her words basically spells out that she's

Really drunk.

And hoping for some kind of rebound.

"I thought you were with Kenny." 

Scoffing her face twist into a grimace and she goes on a rant about how he's a dead beat, good for nothing, fuckboy who isn't worth her time. Funny how she's just realizing this after almost a year of dating him. "So," she drawls leaning closer. "Who'd you come here for?" She's close enough that I can almost taste the beer from her breath. Laughing softly I place my hands on her shoulder before gently pushing her back. 

"I just wanted to come." I lie hoping that she'll be distracted by someone else soon. My prayers are answered when her focus zeroes in on none other that Kenny Higgins. Seeming to forget that she hates him now she runs over to him to do God knows what. Sighing I make my way to the couch before pulling my phone out ignoring the rest of the party. 

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