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Author's Note:I'm dedicating this story to the girl who's very passionate to her job and STILL SINGLE. Try mo naman'g lumandi paminsan-minsan ng magka-love life. You're not choosy, you're just afraid of COMMITMENTS. Subukan mong pasukin ang mundo ng pag-ibig, it's scary but all the memories, happiness, or pain, are all worth it. (Charr. Been there.Done that.) You know who you are, no need for me to mention you and I know you're damn laughing right now. LANGGA. 



He's gone.  My brother's gone.  

Few weeks before, I just got a phone call from my cousin, Kithana, that my brother is in a comma.  I was having my internship in Japan when Kithana called me. He was my twin brother, my bestfriend, my everything.  He's the only one I have since my father left us when my mother died.  But now he's.....

My Tita told me to finish my internship instead of going back from Philippines.  It hurts AF, knowing that I'm having a good time for internship but my brother is now suffering in the hospital and fighting for his life.  

When my internship was done, I came back right away and straightly went to the hospital.

But then...  

His doctor giving me an option whether to remove the apparatus that was supporting his life or to wait for him to wake up but his life will never be the same in which he can never move his body anymore if he wakes up.  And I don't want him to suffer like that.


He's gone.

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