Chapter 42 - Found Out And Left With Broken Promises

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I woke up the next morning and quickly got ready for school, once ready I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see a plate of pancakes waiting for me "thanks Big Ritchie" he smiled and carried on cooking some for everybody else, I drizzled my 2 pancakes in maple syrup and quickly ate them, I then ran upstairs and cleaned my teeth, I made sure I had my jacket on which I did and headed back out stairs and out the door, I decided to walk to school alone today because not only would it help me think but I'd also avoid Taylor, I just can't stand going near her and her not knowing but if I avoid her too much she'll get suspicious and she can't else she might find out, I guess I'm gonna have to pretend it didn't happen although its kinda hard when I'm gonna be seeing Dan everyday at school and the fact I have a baby growing inside of me makes it pretty hard too.

Around 15 minutes later I'd arrived at school, I put on a fake smile and pretended everything was ok when it was actually the complete opposite, come on Jade pull yourself together, I walked over to everyone to see Taylor walking in through the gates, I said my hellos to everyone and soon Taylor came running up to me, Casey not far behind "baby where did you go this morning?" "I wanted to walk alone" "okay baby" and with that she kissed my lips the usual firework exploding I kissed back but felt so much guilt right now it was unbelievable, I've really fucked up. The bell rang for first class and I went to maths with Joey.

Taylor's POV

I wonder why Jade wanted to walk alone this morning, oh well I headed over to science with Riley when I heard Dan talking to his mates "yeah that's right I shagged THE Jade Brooks" wait what? "I shagged a celebrity aha" surely this must be some kind of joke, "Riley go ahead to Science i'll catch you up" "alright" an with that she walked off and I walked over to Dan "I'm sorry what did you just say?" "That I kissed and shagged that celebrity girl, Jade Brooks" he replied with out looking up but as soon as be did his eyes grew wide "a-aren't y-you Jade's g-girlfriend?" "yeah I am now spill it Nicholson!" "guys go ahead i'll catch you up" they just walked off leaving me and Dan in an empty corridor "well on Friday at Matt's party, Jade got really drunk and we started making out, she came on to me and it got heated quickly and we had sex" "Is this some kind of sick joke?" "No" how the hell could she do this, I walked off to science, anger boiling in my blood, how could she I thought she loved me.

Break came rather quick and I ran to find Jade, a couple minutes later I found her sat next to Joey and Abi in the cafeteria "hey Jade?" "Y-yeah?" "can we talk please?" "um yeah sure, i'll see you guys later" she stood up and followed me outside "is there anything you wanna tell me?" "n-no" "well let me tell you then shall I? How could you Jade I thought you loved me?"

Jade's POV

"how could you Jade I thought you loved me?" Shit! what the fuck does she know "I do baby" "really?" Her eyes started to tear up "then why the fuck are you making out with Dan Nicholson and then having fucking sex with him?" "Baby.." "No don't call me that" "I was drunk ok I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry please Taylor" I pleaded starting to cry myself as a tear rolled down Taylor's cheek my heart broke, I had caused this "No I'm sorry Jade but I can't do this anymore, I thought we had something special, I thought you loved me but clearly I was wrong" tears started rolling down my face "no baby you've got it all wrong I do love you, you mean so much to me" "You don't hurt the ones you love and care about Jade" "please don't do this I am so sorry baby please" "Just stop!" she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a ring "I was going to give you this tonight, it's a promise ring, to promise that we'd always love each other that we'd always be there and never hurt each other that we could rule the world together it was a promise I was hoping you were gonna make tonight and that one day that promise would turn into an 'I do' but I guess it means nothing now" and with that she chucked it on the ground "It's over Jade" and walked away leaving me in tears, I walked over to the ring and picked it up, I looked at it was beautiful and on the inside was engraved 'Jade Louise Brooks, I promise that I love you and hopefully one day that promise will turn into an I do' this only made me cry more I dropped to my knees and cried my heart out I'd just lost my true love, I'm so fucking stupid! why can't I do anything right? I'm such a fucking screwup and this just proves it! I don't think i'll ever get my baby back and that brakes my heart although I know that I've broken hers.

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