Chapter 72 - What Just Happened

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Jade's POV

I should've gone back home to LA yesterday with the rest of the girls but honestly I don't want to talk to them right now, I've booked my flight for tomorrow at noon so today I'm gonna have some fun with Marley and Rosie, I wonder if Rosie's gay? What are you doing Jade? you have Taylor stop thinking things like that. honestly I'm going mad.

I turned to face the 2 girls, who were sitting to my right on the hotel couch, I crossed my legs and have them my full attention "so what so you wanna do today?" I asked hoping they had some idea of what to do cause I honestly didn't although I kinda can't be assed to do anything today "honestly I can't be asses to do anything" said Rosie "oh my god you read my mind" I exclaimed excitedly "we can play truth or dare?" "yeah ok, you in Marls?" "Yeah!" the young girl squealed as excited as I was the moment before actually a bit more

"Ok so Rosie truth or dare?" I asked, she thought for a moment before answering "truth" "ok what's your sexual orientation?" "bisexual" for some reason a smile creeped up onto my face before "ok Marley truth or dare?" she then asked to her younger sister "truth" "ok Jade or Demi?" "Jade!" she replied instantly causing me to smile and blush a little "Jade truth or dare?" I thought for a moment before answering "dare" she put on her best thinking face before replying "I got it! Jade I dare you to kiss Rosie" I opened my eyes wide "you don't have to honest" Rosie said clearly noticing my reaction "no no a dares a dare right Marley?" she nodded excitedly before I stood up Rosie following my lead.

Rosie now standing inches away from me I looked into her eyes before closing mine and leaning in kissing her soft lips, she instantly kissed back and I know this is wrong but I actually really liked it, Rosie went to pull away but I put one arm round her neck and one on the back of her head pushing her closer to my face, desperately needing her beautiful love, I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she immediately granted, my tongue roaming around her mouth discovering everything there was to discover.

After a good few minutes I finally pulled away needing air and smiled causing us both to turn read, we sat back down on our previous spots and then it dawned on me, did I just cheat in Taylor? but it was a dare right, it doesn't count right? Whether it counts or not I feel really guilty, but mostly because I really liked it. Shit.

A/N: OOOOOHHHH what's gonna happen will Taylor find out? what will happen between Jade and Rosie?

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