Chapter 59 - Revealed

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Demi's POV

I pulled up to the hospital after a long drive, I got out and locked my car before running into the hospital and over to the front desk "how may I help you?" a lady replied in a much too cheery tone for my liking "I'm looking for Jade Brooks" "yes one second m'am....she's currently in surgery but will be going to room 101, her friends and family are waiting there now, just down that corridor, then turn left and carry straight on the room will be in your right" "thank you" I said before sprinting in the direction of the room, once arriving I see a distraught Taylor sitting outside the room on a plastic chair, with a worried Maddie and Casey sitting along side her and Jade's mom sitting next to Taylor trying to comfort her "Taylor" I said getting her attention, she looked up and ran into my arms, I returned the hug and let her sob into my shoulder. After a couple minutes I sat down, Taylor on my left, Maddie on my right and Casey next to Mads, I looked over at Maddie to see a tear roll down her face "oh mads come here" I said pulling her into a side hug "why would someone do this? why?" "baby, it wasn't just anybody" "what do you mean?" I'm guessing Taylor hadn't told them who shot Jade "Mads, Jade's dad was the one that shot her" "WHAT?! Why would he do that?" "I don't know baby but I guess we'll find out soon.

After a couple hours of waiting a doctor walked up to us "are you the family and friends of miss Jade Brooks?" "yeah that's us, how's she doing?" I asked my voice laced with nerves and concern "not so great, I'm sorry, we're doing everything we can right now to save her but it's not looking too good, she's still in surgery but I'd prepare for the worst" Just then I heard a bang, I looked to my left and saw Jade's mom on the floor, she must of fainted. The doctor ran straight to her but just as he was about to help her up she started having a fit on the floor, shit! I stood up and spoke "girls come on, let's go to the canteen, I don't want you seeing this" they nodded and stood up, tears rolling down Casey's face, they must've been pretty close, I mean it must be hard for her, her best friend, practically her sister has just been shot and might not make it and then her 2nd mom has just starting having a fit, I need to make sure she's alright. This family is breaking apart rapidly and I need to make sure I'm the glue to fix it.

A/N: so what do you think about the reveal of the shooter were you expecting that? Jade maybe not making it and Jade's mom having a fit? how about Casey, Taylor, Maddie and Demi how are they coping? comment below! Thank you for the comments!

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