Chapter 48 - Baby

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(Weeks Later)

I was now around 8 months pregnant and the bump was really big, which only made me purge more often, I've tried so hard not to cut for Kelsy an I'm around 2 weeks clean, 1 more month and my baby should be here, 1 more month and I turn 15, one more month and my life will change forever.

Tonight me, my mom, Casey, Taylor, Jade, Maddie, Dallas,Dianna and Eddie are all going out for a family meal, there was no special occasion we just hadn't been out for dinner as a family in a while so thought it was due I guess.

We just pulled up and were now heading inside when I felt a kick "Demi quick the baby's kicking!" Demi rushed over and put her hand on my belly and she kicked again "Awe Maddie come feel" Maddie came over and did the same, we then headed inside and sat down, once ordered we just started talking and drinking our drinks when I had a contraction. Fuck! it alright it's not like I'm having 1 every 3 seconds it's fine. The food came and everybody started eating, a couple minutes in I got another contraction a minute later another. I kept having contractions until it got to 1 every 7 seconds, then every 3"FUCK! Demi we need to go!!" "What? Why?" "This baby is coming now" just as I said that my water broke "Shit! my water just broke!!" "Uh shit! Someone call an ambulance!" "Demi there's not enough time, just drive!!" we ran to the car and got in everyone piling in there's behind us and started driving to the hospital, I was having more and more contractions now, this baby was ready to come, now. We pulled up by the entrance and ran out the car "Someone help my cousins having a baby!!" about 5 nurses came over and put me on a stretcher they then wheeled me off to a room with Demi following closely behind, we got to the room and a special doctor came over "Okay Jade I need you to push as hard as you can ready?" I nodded "3..2...1 Push" I pushed as hard as I could, squeezing the life out of Demi's hand and probably deafening the nurses and doctors around.

A while later and after lots of pushing and pain "last push to get the head out now Jade I want you to really push now ok?" I nodded once again "3...2....1 Push" I pushed as hard as I can and out came the head, I pushed gain and out came the rest of my beautiful baby girl, but she was so small, the nurse wrapped her in a blanket and placed her in a incubator "She'll have to be in here for 24hrs because she is so premature after then she will be fine to hold, do you have a name picked out?" "Yeah Kelsy Leah Brooks" "beautiful name" "thank you" she wrote the name down on a label for the incubator and pushed it beside my bed, by now everyone had come back in and walked over to the incubator "She gorgeous" "Thanks Dal" everyone pretty much said the same thing then my mom spoke up "how long until you can hold her?" "24 hours" I replied with a hint of sadness in my tone, we talked for a bit and then everyone left but Demi, she convinced my mom to go home and hat she'd stay and look after me and blah blah blah eventually my mom agreed, Demi sat down next to the incubator and smiled "Thank you for everything Demi" "no problem babe, like I said i'll be here with you every step of the way" I smiled and we spent the rest of the night awing over little Kels.

--------------(3 Days Later)--------------

Everything was ready to go now, Kelsy was fine and so was I, I have just finished changing into some joggers and t-shirt that my mom had brought me and was slipping on my Uggs, I walked out of the toilet and over to Demi "ready to go?" I nodded and she handed me my baby, I smiled and we walked out, usually they have to wheel you out in a wheelchair but we asked them not to do that because of the paps and they eventually agreed, we walked over to the car and I opened the back door, I placed Kels in her car seat, walked round to the front passenger side and sat down, Demi got in the drivers seat and we drove home, luckily Eddie, mom, Dianna, Maddie, Case and Taylor had set up the nursery when I was in the hospital, they're so sweet.

We got home and walked in, I walked to the nursery and opened the door it was gorgeous, baby pink walls and white cribs, dressers and wardrobes it was amazing, little wooden chest full of toys it was amazing, I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a little pink onesie, the kind with long sleeves and feet as it was winter, I changed her and put her in her crib, covering her with a little blanket and placing a little teddy bear next to her,I smiled as she fell asleep cuddling the bear, awe.
I finally got my baby home, might have been a month early but I don't mind I got my baby. My little baby girl.

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