Chapter 69 - Pick Up

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We arrived at the hotel and I asked the can driver to wait, he said he would, I thanked him and we went up to the girls room, after getting every thing we went back to the cab and hopped in, I gave him the name of my hotel and he again started to drive, once arrived we got out and paid the cab driver, before walking up to the front desk I have them my room key and asked for an upgrade with 3 beds, quickly after asking I was given my new room key and we all walked down the hall, to the elevator then up down the hall and into my new room.

We all chose our beds and settled in quickly, I turned my phone on to see I had a LOAD of missed calls from Taylor, Demi, Casey and Maddie, there were voicemails and texts too, my phone wouldn't stop going off so I had to put it on silent whilst all the messages and everything were coming through

"Wow you're popular" Rosie said giggling "yeah it's just Demi and everyone, no biggie" I replied casually "anyway what date are you leaving Italy?" I asked the 2 young girls "erm the 27th why?" Rosie replied utterly confused "ok, so it's the 25th today and I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow but i'l add an extra day, i'll then take you to the airport make sure you get on your plane safely and then get on mine" "you honestly don't have to do any f that Jade, you didn't have to let us stay here with you either" "well I want to so you'll have to deal with it" I said sticking my tongue out causing them both to giggle.

"So wanna get some room service? on me" I asked the girls, Marley instantly screaming yes causing me and Rosie to giggle before her softly agreeing after, I smiled and walked over to the phone, menu in hand "what do you want? don't forget a dessert too" I said winking causing Marley to light up at the thought of ice cream and chocolate

"I'll have whatever you're having and a chocolate gateau please" Rosie said "and i'll have the same as Rosie" Marley spoke "okay so all the same" I ordered the food and it soon arrived, we all dug in immediately, the flavours dancing on my tongue, this food was SOO good, mmmmm, we all finished and went and sat on the sofa before putting in some movies and having a marathon, all 3 of us snuggled up with a blanket watching Disney films as we drifted off into a nice sleep.

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