Chapter 43 - Support

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I woke up to the smell of bacon, I walked down stairs to see that dinner was almost ready and Demi was sitting at the table "Demi? what are you doing here?" My mom replied "Baby, Demi's gonna stay with us for 2 weeks is that alright" "yeah why wouldn't it be" why wouldn't it be? because Demi's been through everything, she knows all the tricks and the actions, I'm gonna have to be super careful if I don't want Demi to find out. She smiled snapping me out of thoughts, my mom put a tray of bacon on the table along with a tray of chips, mushed tomatoes, ketchup and a jug of cold water, I was about to sit down when my mom spoke "baby go get Taylor and Case please" I nodded and slowly walked up the stairs, my mom doesn't know that we broke up so she thinks we're still close, I wish we were. I reached Taylor's door and knocked, I opened it to see her lying in her bed on her phone she looked up at me "Dinner" and with that I walked back out and went and got Casey, we walked down the stairs and sat at the table everybody but me diving in for the food, I just sat and watched until everyone had there food, I then grabbed 2 rashers of bacon and a handful of chips, I put them on my plate and drizzled the tomatoes over the top, I looked up to see everyone looking at me, then my mom spoke "is that all you're having baby?" "Yeah I kinda feel a bit sick" which was true but it wasn't that kind of sick I felt, it wasn't my stomach that was sick it was my heart, I looked over at Taylor she instantly went back to her food as did everyone else, I looked at Demi who was waiting for me to take my first bite which I did, I easily ate my plate of food and excused myself from the table, I walked up to the attic and started it spinning slowly, I sat on a bean bag chair and watched the view as we turned around, a few minutes later I was joined by someone I turned to see Demi "hey you okay? you seemed a bit out of it at dinner" "yeah just going through some stuff" I said and I couldn't help the tear that ran down my cheek I wiped it away as quickly as I could so Demi wouldn't see and luckily I don't think she did, I just sat there staring out the window "do you wanna talk about it?" I simply shook my head and gripped onto the edge of my sleeves as another tear spilled and another and another I wiped them away with my sleeve as they came pouring down "oh baby" Demi leant in and gave me a tight squeeze "do you want me to get Taylor?" "No! I mean no I'm fine" "baby you're clearly not fine what's wrong? what's happened between you and Taylor? I can tell something's not right" I started sobbing loudly as I snuggled into Demi's chest "come on baby tell me what happened" I sniffed trying to calm down enough to talk "w-we b-broke u-p" "oh baby why? what happened I thought you truly loved each other?" "I do love her and I know she loves me too" "so what's the problem?" "I was stupid Dems I was really stupid" "what do you mean what did you do?" I sobbed louder and louder, Demi gently rubbed my back calming me down, once I'd calmed down again she repeated her question "what did you do Jade?" "I w-went to a p-party I got d-drunk and I kissed this guy Dan and t-then we had s-sex and Taylor f-found out, I d-didn't know what I was doing Demi" "baby it's ok, it's gonna be ok" "no it's not" "why wouldn't it be?" "D-Demi I-I'm p-pregnant"

Demi's POV

"Demi I'm pregnant" what! Holy fucking shit! "baby are you sure" she didn't reply she just pulled my hand and took me to her room, she walked into her wardrobe and came out with a little woven box, as she reached up her sleeve came up and I saw them, there we so many oh baby, she opened it up and pulled out the pregnancy tests, both reading positive "and I went to the doctor today and h-he confirmed it" "awe baby, it's gonna be alright who knows?" "just me and n-now y-you" "ok, Jade look at me" she wouldn't so I lifted her chin up with my finger "I will support you every step of the way, whether you want to keep the baby or not ok? I love you Jade and I am here......every step of the way" and with that I pulled her into a hug and let her cry into my chest, "baby I saw your arms, please don't do it again, trust me it's not worth it really it isn't" "I p-promise"a minute later she pulled away, she quickly put the tests and the box back away and walked over to her beside table she picked up a ring "Taylor said she was going to give it to me, the night she found out that was the night she was gonna give it to me, I fucked everything up" "baby if Taylor didn't give it to you then how do you have it?" "she chucked it on the floor and ran away crying so I picked it up, have you read what it says?" I shook my head and she nodded towards the ring crying, "read it" I looked at the ring and read 'Jade Louise Brooks, this is a promise that I will always love you and I hope one day that promise turns into 'I do' It broke my heart to read, they were so in love, and the beer took over and ruined everything, everything they had but there soul mates they'll get through it together right? a love that strong a connection like there's is too precious to let go, too impossible to let go "baby everything will turn out ok? you and Taylor you'll sort it out, show her how much you love her ok? i'll help you if you want, we can create something so romantic and beautiful, maybe you could write her a song and then sing it to her under the stars, we can make a perfect date ok? we can show her how much you love her yeah?" "would you really do that for me?" "of course I would, your my baby cousin I'd do anything for you" and before I knew it I was being pulled into a tight squeezed I squeezed back, giving her as much strength as I could right now.

"Jade?" "yeah?" "are you gonna keep the baby?"

Jade's POV

"Are you gonna keep the baby?" I thought for a minute before deciding "yeah, I think I am" "are you sure? because you're so young and what about Liv and Maddie, your album the paps and media? what would you tell them?" "the truth, that's all I can do" "well i'll be here with you supporting you, ok you are not alone in this ok? we'll get through it together" "promise?" "promise" "now how about we sort out this date then?" I nodded excitedly I might be able to get my baby back! we walked down the stairs and into the studio, I suddenly got a perfect idea of how to start the song "Demi I think I got an idea" "go for it" I grabbed a guitar and started playing "you can be the peanut butter to my jelly, you can be the butterflies I feel in my belly, you can be the captain and I can be your first mate, you can be the chills that I feel on our fist date" "that's awesome go in the booth and i'll record you, I walked in, Demi pressed record and I started playing my guitar and singing. After around an hour and a half we had finished the song, we called it 'Perfect Two' it was perfect! "that's awesome you can put this on your album as well I you want" "maybe but I might keep it as our song" "ok it's your choice" I smiled "now let's go sort out that date shall we?" "we shall" I replied with a smile and we left the room to start 'planning'

We really were in this together, and I can't thank Demi enough she's my superhero that has come to save the damsel in distress, I've never needed saving as much as I do right now and I'm glad she's here to show me I'm not alone.

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