chapter one titan tower

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                                                                           - RAVEN -

The candles dim flickering light did little to brighten the room but they soothed me. My argument with Beast Boy wore me down today. I was close to snapping completely. Cyborg was going to be very upset the next time he tried to play his new game station and realized i'd fried his new controller. 

I'll have to buy him a replacement. I sat cross legged on my bed, closing my eyes and calming my breath. " I wish i could express myself without hurting people." I shook my head to clear my thoughts before starting in on my mantra. 

                                                                           - CYBORG-

" BOOYAH!" I finally finished all the updates on the towers security system! Now it was time for some major mind numbing kick ass action on my brand new limited edition darth vader ps4 with y brand new custom iron giant controller. I had already been laughed at my Beast boy but i gotta admit i feel a strange connection to that movie. I remember watching it when i was a little kid and thinking how cool it would be to have a giant robot. now to my surprise.. I am the giant robot.. well... half robot. 

I walked in the common room to see an angry looking beast boy shoving donuts down his throat" Hey man slow your roll you're gonna choke and i like  you and all but i'm not looking for any mouth to mouth action ya dig?" H e just rolled his eyes and grunted but i was relieved to see him slow down. " tats better. now sit down and watch the master work!"

I reached over to the coffee table and grabbed my controller. I pressed the home button then frowned when nothing happened. then it all licked. " Beast Boy did you and Raven fight again?!

"Yeah. She just really pis-"

"RAVEN!!" I was so pissed off i didn't even bother to let  Beastboy finish his sentence. I jumped off the couch and headed to the one place i knew raven would be. 

I got to the door and was about to knock the damn thing down when i heard a long sad sigh come from the room. a noise i didn't even think raven was capable of making. then " I wish i could express myself without hurting people." 

I stopped short. My anger snuffed out. then her chanting.It sounded so even, almost like the chants sung at temples. Chanting... CHANTING, SINGING, MUSIC, EXPRESSION!! The cogs in my mechanical brain began to turn. 

My controller all but forgotten i went back down to my room in the basement garage where i kept all my most exciting projects. 

Raven needed a way to express herself, and for the sake of both her and my new ps4 i was gonna give her that. The only question i had left was what would work better for her to start with .  a guitar or.. " Bass!"

Deep, a little sad, pretty and important to any band. " Yes. Raven needs a bass!"



 After finishing a five hour meditation i felt more in control, but still uneasy. I looked around of of my hood at the others. Robin and Beastboy pounding away at an online game together. Beast boy's signature toothy grin showing in the light Starfire was twirling away in the kitchen with one headphone dangling out of her ear as she listened to music and stirred a bowl full of something that i deeply hoped wasn't dinner. 

A faint pang rang out in my chest as i watched them all having a normal night expressing feelings, getting along. Just then starfire looked up from the goop she was pushing around with her spoon " Friend Raven you have finally joined us!"

Beast boy glared up at me from over his shoulder, then went back to his game. I sunk back further into my hood. " Sorry i was late Starfire, I was meditating."

 " Perhaps one day i will join you in the meditating. It must be enjoyable for you to do it for so long at a time."

A snort came from the couch. my eyebrows pulled together at the noise but i wasn't going to lose my cool again. 

" I think that sounds nice Starfire." the clicking noise stopped from one computer as Beast boy turned to gawk at me. I walked past him and joined star in the kitchen " What are you doing Starfire?" nTe smell from the bowl was so intense i wanted to sneeze.

" OH! I am making the dinner tonight! Would you like to have the taste?!" I watched in utter horror as starfire lifted the spoon from the bowl and held it out to me. It was smoking. " No thank you Starfire. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. Um why are you making dinner?"

"Friend Cyborg has been in his garage all day. I saw im in the hallways earlier today but that was it."

Oh no. He probably saw what happened to his controller and was to angry to even yell at me about it. 

" Hey Starfire i'm going to go check on Cyborg. I think i might have to apologize for something."

Starfire's eyebrows came together. " Oh no, good luck Friend Raven. dinner will done shortly."

I nodded " I'll be back Starfire, but if i'm not back soon you may need to send me some backup. I not joking. "

" i will see you soon." she nodded at me as i made my way over the the elevator hitting the basement level button. 


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