chapter three feelings

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I left Cyborg's room and stepped through the portal to mine. The beautiful bass only a little heavy in my nangs. the weight felt good. my hands ran through the scales on their own.I was lucky i was a fast learner. i only had about forty five minutes with Cyborg but i had them down. I smiled. The chakra gems glowed as my joy was free to flow through them, giving the instrument an even sweeter sound. " Oh Cyborg.. this fits my hands.. this fits me. I'll never be able to thank you enough!"

Just tem a knock at the door. " Hey Rae! Open up!" Alarm  shot through me as i shoved the bass under my bed. I made sure i looked normal before opening my door. 

" What Beast Boy?" my usual monotone key fell back in my voice like a glove my emotions were falling back into check. He leaned against my doorframe. 

" What are you up to Rae Rae?"

His eyebrows were raised in suspicion. and from his body he was sending little tingles of alarm and even anger? Or was it something else?

"My name is Raven and i'm doing nothing that pertains to you. Now was there anything you needed or did you just was to disturb my peaceful evening?"

His ears twitched. " Oh no RAE i would hate to ruin your GOOD TIME! Starfire just wanted me to check on you."

"OH!" Starfire... I forgot! all of a sudden his red hot anger swept through me. Tt stabbed me like a white tipped poker. Everything was so intense. "Beast Boy what is the matter with you?" His body olted. anger simmering into confusion and alarm.

" Nothing, look Cy went to get pizza. He'll be back soon. just uh.. see you at  dinner"

" See you.." I couldn't register what had just happened. So i just closed the door and softly traced back over to my bed to retrieve the bass guitar. I let my fingers brush against the crystals one last time before i stood making my way to the showers. I definitely needed one before dinner 


" But friend Cyborg i have just spent the last two and one half hours making a traditional Tamaranian dinner!" Stars voice echoed through the common room.

" I'm sorry Star, if i knew that i wouldn't have ordered everyone's favorite pizza!" my stomach rumbled at the thought of pizzas. 

FORGET THE NASTY ASS TAMARANIAN SHIT!! PIIIIZZZAAA!! Rude's voice echoed through my ears. i shook my head to clear it. Star had worked so hard on that food. 

" Its simple guys, well eat both." my interruption was met with wide eyed stares. " I'll eat the food you made Star." Beastoys jaw dropped as a very happy Starfire tackled me down with a hard hug. " Star... cant... breath..."

"Oh thank you friend Raven! This will be a most glorious dinner!" I smiled at her just a bit. Her grin got even wider

FUCK MAN PIZZA!!! rude shot off in my head. 


 STARFIRE IS A GOOD FRIEND SHE DESERVES A GOOD FRIEND IN RETURN. Knowledge and Happy were in harmony, and soon the rest of my emotions agreed. an odd peace swept through my body as i sat at the dinner table, my plate heaping with weird gooand strange lumps. As i shoved the tamaranian food through the portal hidden away in my mouth i pondered as to why i could feel this... overwhelming feeling of joy and content without shooting the light bulbs out of every socket on this floor. 

YOU EXPRESSED US TODAY. wisdom whispered through my mind. YOU EXPRESSED US ALL.

Starfires chatter and smiles gave me a fuzzy glow and i thought to myself if this is feeling than it is truly... " Glorious."

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