chapter eight sing.

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Cyborg sighed. I felt his pain radiating out to match my own. small lightbulbs began to break. I sucked in a deep breath and began trying to reel my emotions in. after twenty minutes of silence and concentration i had myself in control enough to stop breaking his things. 

" I'm sorry about that Raven, you didn't deserve that. Neither of us did. Was there a reason you came down here?" He turned his head and looked at me through his hands. Even sad, he had the urge to help others. He really was a good friend. 

" I came to borrow a CD player actually... i got a new cd today at the mall." His eyebrow raised and his lips raised to a smile, but only in one corner. " Who is it?"

" Pink floyd." He nodded and smiled again. " You will probably like them. their lyrics are deeper than they seem." He stood up, his steps were still heavy with emotion, clicking against the floor with his movements. He opened a stainless steel chest and brought out a stereo. " This thing is old but good, she'll be good to you." I bubbled the stereo and sent it back up to my room so no one would see me carry it. 

" Thanks." i found myself hugging myself, like a cold child. " you said you had something to show me?" 

He sat back down in his swivel chair and pointed his hands at a microphone. " It's almost done. Just have to tighten a few more screws and test it out. Do you wanna do the honors?"

i can't describe the emotion that took over me. it felt like i was outside of my body. lights popped in a row leaving us almost in the dark. i felt so cold i could have sworn i saw my breath. i stepped forward as if in a daze and took the tiny screw driver out of cyborgs hands. he guided my hand to the screws telling me when i had tightened them enough. turning the microphone on i felt it buzz in my hand. the gems along the handle glowed brightly like my bass. 

" Say something Raven. I have to be sure it works."  I opened my mouth and almost choked. and then i shook my head and started singing a song off of his ipod. 

" Good times for a change, seems the luck i've had could make a good man turn bad, so please please please! let me, let me, let me, let me get what i want this time." I felt the blood rushing in my ears. goose bumps suddenly appeared on my arms. " haven't had a dream in a long time, see the life i've had could make a good man bad, so for once in my life let me get what i want, lord knows it would be the first time. Lord knows it would be the first time." my body began to sway like a cobra to a flute. i heard the music in my head, and against my will tears welled in my eyes. i felt one slip down my cheek. " so please please please let me let me let me let me get what i want this time. so please please please let me get what i want! lord knows it would be the first time. it would be the first time, it would be the first time..." i stopped as i finished the lyrics, tears now steadily leaving my eyes i held the mic to my heart. an ache so deep it was drowning me took over. and i sat on the edge of Cyborgs bench as i let myself softly sob. cool metallic arms encompassed me and, with my head against the cold hard metal i heard a beep, faint as a whimper, and realised that it was Cyborgs mechanical heart. 

" Its ok Raven. Beast boy will come around. Things are gonna get better. Maybe this dream will come true." he patted my back. the gentleness was surprising with his hulking metal body. i looked into his bright human eye and felt myself begin to calm back down. " The microphone worked... you can take it with you." 

I nodded. He backed up, taking his hands off of me as i stood back up. " Thank you Cyborg, really. Thank you."

He smiled at me. " Anything for my baby sister. Now go up and listen to your cd. I wanna hear how you like it tomorrow."

I found myself smiling back at him without effort. " ok."

I slipped into the portal and back into my room with ease, plugging in the cd player and popping in the cd. I waited a few seconds for the read and pressed play. 



I took a deep breath in, squared my shoulders, and knocked three times. I heard a small thump and then just punched in the code and let myself in. " Starfire?"

she poked her head out of the closet and looked at me. her face twisted into a small frown. " hello Robin. What is it?" 

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly closing up on me. i coughed once just to make sure i wouldn't choke. " Look Starfire. I just wanted to say that i'm sorry. I shouldn't have made such a big deal out this whole thing. Its cool if you want to tell your father about us, and I would like to invite you to meet my father... well... in a way. I want to formally introduce you to my family. I know that it means alot to you, and i'm sorry i laughed at the idea the first time you mentioned it."

Starfires smile was small but beautiful. she didn't walk towards me.. she glided, her feet not touching the ground. her hand touched my cheek and i melted into her palm. i put my own hand over hers and held her there, soaking in the warmth of her. " Robin, i should be apologising as well. I know your identity and the identity of your family is important, and i will wait until you are comfortable with it, and your family is as well."

I turned my head and kissed her palm. " I love you Starfire. I know i never really told you that before, but it's true." I looked into her glowing green eyes and saw tears form there. 

" I love you too Robin." She pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet and warm, and i finally felt the storm that had been raging in my stomach calm, my heart was swelling. " Keep me company while i put away my new things?" I smiled. 

" Of course." 







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