chapter seven The Wall

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I stopped Beast Boy before he could go to the elevator. I slipped the halo ring off his finger and then slipped my own off mine. " Come on bro, we got to talk about something." I drug him towards my room.

" Dude let go I'll come quietly!" I let go and she tugged his shirt back into place before shuffling behind me. 

" Spill dude. What was up with you at the mall. It felt like lighting was about to strike. "

He looked down at his sneaker and then looked around the room. His eyes stopped at the workbench, where a microphone laid. I walked over and flung a sheet over the bench. a low rumble hit my ears like thunder. 

" You're not really in a good place to be demanding answers when you're keeping secrets yourself, are you " Bro"? " I turned my head at the accusation in the air quotes. 

" What the hell are you talking about beast boy? I haven't done anything to you at all. You are the one who is acting like a shit and it needs to stop now." That feeling hit me again. tense and dangerous. like standing on a train bridge as it came rumbling towards you.

" Oh really? You haven't done anything? Not even with RAVEN? And don't even think about giving me that line of you don't know what i'm talking about it! i can still smell her in the room dude! On your bench, your stool, YOUR SHEET! You've been lying to me! She's been lying to me! If anyone has explaining to do it's you!" His green eyes narrowed into slits. 

" I don't have to explain anything to you beast boy. What Raven and I do is our business. What i work on is my concern! But your attitude is everyone's problem. You're gonna cause trouble for the team!" He turned on me, his lips pulled back in a snarl. if i had flesh.. it would have goosebumped. 

" Whatever! Just leave me alone! I don't have to explain anything to you! my business is none of your concern!" He started for the door. I reached out and tried to grab his wrist but he ripped his arm out of my grip. " DON'T TOUCH ME!" My door was flung open, and then slammed shut. I looked down at my work room floor, sighed and moved towards my workbench. removing the sheet and looking at my latest project. I sat down and picked up my tools. Raven was gonna need this now more than ever. I had a feeling things were about to get tense.


When i got back to room, i put my bag with my new book and cd on the bed and then took off my civilian clothes. I considered putting my uniform back on but then dismissed it, instead slipping on a pair of sweatpants i had cut off into a pair of shorts and black t shirt. I did a few simple yoga stretches and took inventory of my body. my legs and feet were a little sore from walking miles around the mall today. I found myself surprised as i realised i had enjoyed it. 

I sat on the floor then with my legs crossed and prepared to meditate, going through all that had happened today, analysing them with my mind. Spending time with Star, meeting Kyle and actually getting along with him. my thoughts went to the phone number written on my arm and i dismissed it. I began to push everything away. Until there was nothing left but the sound of my breath and heartbeat. I began my change. " AZARATH, METRION, ZENTHOS" I felt myself slip into that darkness, and i calmed. 

I only meditated for an hour. I was surprised. normally after a day of shopping and stress i would have had to meditate longer. Perhaps my time playing my bass had helped me. I made my way back towards my bed and poured the contents back out of the sack. I looked at the cd and pulled the cellophane off, opening the package and running my fingers over the disk. I need to borrow a CD player from Cyborg. 

I put the cd back on the bed and slipped down towards his room through a portal. Too shy to walk around in my pajamas but too eager to hear the cd to waste time putting on anything else. I walked towards Cyborgs door when it suddenly flung open. An angry Beast boy storming from the room slamming the door shut behind him. I was so shocked i didn't even try to get out of his way when he began stomping towards me, not looking where he was going, knocking me down. 

" Garfield what's your problem!" I stood back up and brushed any dirt off of my shorts. His eyes widened as they took me in then narrowed again. I suddenly remembered my outfit and felt myself begin to turn red. the lights above us flickered lightly. 

" Here to see Cyborg again Raven? What was that boy not enough for you? Nice outfit by the way! hope you too have fun!" He brushed past me, shoulder checking me hard enough to knock me sideways. 

" What in the hell are you talking about Garfield!?" I felt rage and embarrassment well up inside me. ' SQUASH THAT LITTLE RUNT!!' 

he whipped around to face me, stalking towards me and squaring up. his chest practically pressed against mine. " Don't try to act so innocent RAVEN! what are you even doing here dressed like that?" He motioned towards my outfit.

'OH GOD IS HE CALLING US A SLUT?' Timids voice high and terrified echoed in my head. i felt myself shrivel up. " What im doing isnt any of your business, and what do you mean that boy what are you even talking about?!" 

he waved me off and then turned into a hawk, shooting out of the garage through the open door.Just like that an invisible wall had formed between us.All the lights in the garage were now flickering heavily. I heard a door open up behind me. 

" Ignore him Raven. Come on in, I have something to show you anyways."  Turning my back on the direction beast boy left i saw Cyborg there, looking like he too had just went a round with the green teen. I nodded and walked to him, shutting the door behind me gently. 

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