chapter nine questions

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                                                                                 BEAST BOY

I ad just gotten back from "patrolling" the city. By patrolling i really mean blowing off steam. I don't even understand what just happened back there. all i do know was that i just became king jerk, ruler of jerktopia. It wasn't enough to go off on Cyborg, but then i had to stand around and scream at Raven. Like it was any of my business what she and Cy were up to. Like it was any of my concern that she had talked to that boy at the mall. She had talked to guys before. That goth guy at the party one time! And that stupid sharkbait aqualad. I talked to other girls and she never flipped out on me! That whole thing with Terra... I'm not even going to go there.

I stopped by the commons and peaked in. Nobody was around. Not a trace of a Robin, Starfire, Cyborg or Raven anywhere. I let out a breath i was holding and decided it was best to just go to bed. I could always see them tomorrow, maybe then we wouldn't be so mad at each other. If I could call what just happened being mad.

I began stripping while i walked down the hall. taking off my shirt and wadding it in a ball to throw later. I was unbuttoning my jeans, when i heard noise coming from Ravens door again. Music. It was low.. maybe a little sad. I stopped and leaned against the door to listen closely. I had never heard her listen to music like this before. I remembered her saying she was trying to get into music, but this was different from anything id heard. Just then a female voice joined in. it didn't sound like a cd. I pressed harder against the door to try to hear better when suddenly it opened, spilling me like a bag of marbles on the floor. 


The music was stirring me. I had listened to the CD once already and had skipped back to my favorite songs to listen to them again and try to pick out the bassline. I had gotten up to grab my bass when i saw the mic instead, and thought why not? " so, so you think you could tell, heaven from hell? Blue skys from pain? can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell.." I stopped when i realised how thirsty i was, and then thought about how long it had been since i had a nice warm cup of tea. I dropped my mic on my pillow and went to the door, opening it only to have a half naked, blushing beast boy fall in front of me. 

" What in the hell are you doing?!" He jumped up quickly. To quickly his jeans almost falling around his ankles. i look up at the ceiling trying to hide my blush. 

" I was just coming in and didn't think anyone was awake sorry." His face was turning some weird brownish color from his blush. 

" So you lean half naked up against my door? Pretty strange behavior from someone calling my outfit slutty!" I was suddenly angry. so angry i was seeing red. I quickly took three deep breaths in and started to shove past him. 

" Now wait a minute Rae i never said you looked slutty!" I turned on him. 

" Don't play innocent GARFIELD! we both know what you were insinuating earlier!" I turned back around, determined to get my tea, the craving for it was getting stronger. warm tea, hot tea, jasmine tea! Anything to get this bad taste out of my mouth! 

" Rae-" 

" My name is RAVEN, Beastboy. Just go away now please, i would hate for you to see me in my slutty pajamas anymore than you have to! Who would want to see someone like me in these clothes anyway right?" I didn't stop to look at him. I just portaled myself to the kitchen, grabbing a tea bag and my kettle off the warmer. looks like luke warm tea tonight but it's gonna be the best damn tea i've ever tasted. I portaled back into my bedroom so i could avoid beast boy and opened my laptop computer. 

If i like pink floyd so much maybe i could find some similar stuff on youtube and go from there. I pulled the teabag from my cup and threw it away before i took a sip, even only lukewarm... it was amazing. 

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