chapter ten. tastes.

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It had been two hours of brainlessly surfing you tube for music. i had traveled from Pink Floyd to Stevie Nicks, the white witch, and from there to Queen and the magic that was Freddy Mercury. Janis Joplin, ACDC, The Beatles, The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Cream! Each one was a new taste. From soulful rock to psychedelic trips and back to rock. I realized i was beginning to go in a circle in a few close genres and needed something new. Something fresh. I had to go even further! My eyes shot to the phone number. I mean our communicators were safe lines... I didn't think i wanted to use it for this though... but i wanted to talk to the boy from the store... he did say to let him know if i liked the cd and he would show me even more.... I wanted more. I made up my mind. I took the communicator, punching in the digits and entering him in my contacts under remove soon. I took three deep breaths, and let it ring. Just when i was about to lose my nerve he answered.

" Hello?" the voice on the phone sounded gruff and dry. I was confused for a second and didnt repli right away. " Look man if your gonna call someone at three in the morning at least say something."

Azar! Three AM? " Im sorry, i didnt realize it was already so late.. this is the girl from the cd rack... you told me to call when i finished the cd. The, um, Pink Floyd cd was amazing... and i want to hear more, but in a different genre.. i keep listening to old rock bands."

" Roth? No way did i think you would actually call! Ok so who have you listened to already?" I ran down the short list of my youtube finds, telling him wich ones i liked best. " Ok! hey listen to Blondi too when you have the time! She was one bad ass babe. Oh and Cyndi lauper too. that will take you to more of a pop zone, but old pop so good pop lol. Old music is definatly the best. and then that should also give you a shot to see some new pop artists too. Youtube will keep you buys for hours... so which sond did you like best.. on the cd i mean."

I thought about it... " Hey You."

" why?" I could hear a faint grin in his voice, it reminded me of someone else i knew. 

" I just felt it the most. I felt it all the way through. it was so beautiful. comfortably numb and the wall were great too, and i loved them, but Hey You made me feel like i was left drifting."

" I get that." A faint blush covered my cheeks. Once again, music had made a connection. " So Roth, if you dont mind me asking, would it be ok if we got to know each other a little better, we dont have to meet up or anything, but i think it would be cool to text at least... maybe we could be friends... if you want."

All the blood that was in my body suddenly was in my cheeks. " That sounds great... Ill have to buy a cell phone.. im um, just borrowing a friends tonight. Ill text you though, as soon as i can, but i wont be able to meet up a lot... i am kinda kept busy."

" Thats fine, besides, things change, maybe time will open up for you. Im gonna go now though, schools in the morning. You better crash too Roth. Ill hear from you soon?"

" Yes! Goodnight." I disconnected the call. I felt... strange. Oddly embarrassed but happy, and proud, and... tired. Three Am... I haven't stayed up that late since malachore. I shut my laptop and let the candles blow out as i hid myself inside the blankets.. it felt like i had just finished a seven hour meditation. I felt... amazing. Music was really something. 

                                                                               BEAST BOY

It had been two hours of mindlessly staring at the ceiling in my bedroom. tonight i had really don't it. Gone off on Cyborg, check. Go off on Raven, check. Low key accuse them of fucking.... maybe. Called Raven a slut..... check. Leaned up half naked on her door to try and ease drop and been caught.... unfortunately check. I could still feel my cheeks burning from that last one. What a freak. I was green with claws and fangs, I always rushed into things, and now i look like some kind of perv too. The party never ends at Beast Boy manor... I rolled over so i could stare out my window instead. 

Since when did i even start to worry about what Raven and Cyborg did together. Cyborg thought of Raven as a little sister. I knew they spent time together. At least he spent more time with her than i did. They talked about stuff... it wasn't like we aren't all friends.. I mean me and Raven might have been a bit of a stretch but we were friends. Cy was my best bro. I really made an ass out of myself tonight. And not in a way that required my powers either. 

I flipped onto my back again and stuck a pillow over my face before letting out a loud groan. Im not gonna sleep until i say sorry, I know that Cyborg will hear me out tomorrow but Raven could hold a grudge like nobody else i knew, and i knew batman. I threw the covers off my body and pulled a pair of sleep pants on over my body, then reached for a shirt but disregarded it. Its not like she hadn't seen me shirtless just a few hours ago. 

I slipped out the door and down the hall, i was just getting ready to knock on her door when i heard her voice, it sounded like she was talking to someone, a memory of malachore flashed though my mind and i felt myself shrinking before i thought it through, i was a fly on the wall.. or at least i would be once i snuck under the door. I pushed my little fly body under the almost non existent crack below the door and listened to the conversation. It took me a second but then i realized she was on the phone. I crawled across the carpet to get a look at her. Her laptop was open. 

"I just felt it the most. I felt it all the way through. it was so beautiful. comfortably numb and the wall were great too, and i loved them, but Hey You made me feel like i was left drifting, That sounds great... Ill have to buy a cell phone.. im um, just borrowing a friends tonight. Ill text you though, as soon as i can, but i wont be able to meet up a lot... i am kinda kept busy.Yes! Goodnight." she looked so happy, her face flushed, she smiled as she disconnected the call. RAVEN! I suddenly felt pissed all over again and decided it was best to just leave. I crawled back under the door and then morphed. walking back to my room, I ripped the sleep pants off my body and threw myself onto the bed. Counting sheep used to work when i was little so it should work just fine now. One sheep, two sheep.... i fell asleep somewhere around the three hundredth sheep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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