Chapter two suprise

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I just ad put the finishing touches on this beautiful instrument. I screwed the panel back on and then began tuning it. Admiring the seven crystals i had installed on the fret board and then running my fingers across the black raven i had smoked on the face A beep from my computer alerted me that someone was at my door. I put the bass down and then covered it with a cloth before moving to open the door, silencing the knocking. 

" Cyborg I-" I pulled her into my room before she could even finish her sentence. 

"Raven! Just the little lady i was hoping to see.!"

 "Cyborg i'm really sorry about ruining your-'

" Oh don't worry about that right now things can always be replaced besides, hopefully that won't be a problem anymore." 

my thermal scanners told me er temperature had just dropped. "Cyborg... you now that i... i can't-"

" Raven I know you can't control your powers when you emotions get too heavy for you, that's why i made you a little something. To take the edge off. "

I gave her a little shove towards the sheet.

" Um Cyborg?" The lights flickered as her emotions surged. " What is it?'

I smiled. " Lift the sheet and find out."

 She let out a small gasp as the sheet hit the floor. " Cyborg..." Her fingers ran down the strings. she made sure to let her fingers brush against eac different colored crystal. se gingerly plucked one othe the strings, and the resulting bong sound sent a wave through the air. She shivered and the lights flickered again. " It's lovely, but Cyborg how is this gonna help me.  A bass guitar .. music.. music is too risky for me."

I shook my head and stepped closer. the empath shrank away from my proximity. " Not with this baby. This little beauty is a well blended, finely tuned magic machine. The chakra crystals will link to your emotions and the blend of magic and mechanics will absorb your powers and neutralize them before anything gets broken While your holding this baby your going to be just another moody teen with a guitar."

The crystals let out a faint glow as she surged again. she turned to look up at me. Tears sparkled in the corners of her purple eyes. sje held it close to her chest. " Cyborg.." I waited for the big gushy thank you that was bound to come out her lips 


" Cyborg.. I don't even i know how to play...." Her head hung slow. I just laughed.

" Raven I'll teach you. I used to play a little before. well all this happened." I motioned to my body with my hands in a heres your prize gesture. " Ya know i worked pretty hard on that... you could at least say-"

" Thank you!" I was cut off by a little purple haired half demon hugging my waist. It was so unexpected my system fritzed out on me. When i rebooted a second later later Raven stood there plucking at the strings, closing her eyes at each little pong it sent out. " Your Welcome."



The smells from the kitchen were seriously starting to hurt my ose. Even Robin was sniffling. His face said ew, but his mouth said " Smelling good Starfire. What um, what are you doing again?"

" I am making the dinner boyfriend Robin!" we both flinched. 

" Er, Well keep up the good work Star! Im sure it'll be something to remember!" I smirked. just then starfire walked into the room

" Thank you! Oh friend beastboy could you do me the favor please?" I felt the color drain from my face. My gut clenched as the worst possible scenario popped in my head.

" Um what is it Starfire?"

She walked over and sat between me and Robin.

" Friend Raven went to go find Friend Cyborg. She said she had to be saying the sorry but that was a while ago. Could you go and check up on them?"

I let out a breath i didnt know id been holding. thank jesus she didn't want me to taste test anything.  " No problem Star. One Cyborg and Raven coming right up!"

I enjoyed the tamaranian food free air in the elevator and garage as  i made my way over to Cy's room.  when i got to the door though my ears picked up on a strange noise. almost like a weird bong sound, then Cyborg spoke

" Beast Boys outside. Holdup im just gona-"

"NO!"  new voice. Raven's voice. " PLease Cyborg, please keep this a secret."

My curiosity peaked as i pressed my ear to the door. 

" NO problem little mama, our secret i swear. "A heat flashed through my stomach. He called her mama! No, 'don't call me mama' or 'my name is raven!' I always got snapped at when i called her mama. 

" I'm gonna go... can i um keep..."

" Yeah no problem. Just keep working on it. You were doing so good."

"Thanks... i'll see you upstairs."

I was ready to change into an ant and crawl under the door to see what just happened and what the hell was i not supposed to know about the door opened before i had to resort to hat.  Cyborg stood there smiling a giant smile at me. " Hey ! BB whats up?"

 I smiled, scratching the back of my neck. 

"Starfire sent me to check on you.. and Raven." 

he  splashed a confused look on his face. " Raven? Ravens not here dude."

I made an act of looking around. The smell of Raven teased my nostrils. My eyes narrowed but i played it off as confusion. " Oh, sorry maybe i misunderstood her. You better get up there though bro. Starfire's making dinner in your absence."

His face twisted in horror " shit what time is it?"

  " Its like 8 man." I laughed it off even though i wanted to demand he tell me why he was acting like nothing happened in here. Ravens smell lingered hard in one area. Next to his workbench a sheet was piled up o the floor. My eyes tightened. I felt a rumble deep in my chest. 

" I'll order a pizza man i'm sorry i was uh.. kinda busy... your stomach is rumbling like crazy."

I cleared the thoughts from my head and smiled. " Veggie for me please. i better go look for Rae."

" Yeah and i better go get the pizza like i was getting them to begin with!"

I laughed with him as we walked across the garage. He got into the T car and sped off as i made my way to the elevator. I was about to make a much needed stop and Raven's room. My little empath had some explaining to do.

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