The Drinks

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You and the rest of the shipwrights raised your mugs, screaming the toast. Laughing, you watched them shove each other around, drinking their weight in booze.

Someone tugged at your mug and you turned to see Paulie, humor in his blue eyes. "Hey, girlie. Sure you can take a drink this strong?"

You poked him on the forehead. "Better than you, Paulie."

"Wanna bet?"

"Heck yeah, blondike bar."

~ten minutes later~

"I WIIIIINN!" You stood on the table and screamed your victory, while Paulie lay groaning on the floor.

Giggling, you jumped down and laid down next to him. "Hey. Hey, Paulie."


"Guess what."



"AAAAHHHHHHH!" He rolled away.

You crawled after him, completely oblivious to how hard everyone in the room shipped you two.


"Ye, I'll take him home." Holding out your arms, you allowed Paulie to be placed in them. Carrying the blond bridal style, you managed to kick open the door to the bar and make your way down the street. "Silly man... If you can't take the drink then don't try."

"I can take it..."

"No. No you cannot."

Paulie pressed his face against your shoulder. "Can."

"We'll see."

~In The Morning~

You gently rubbed Paulie's back and held his hair while he threw up into the toilet. "Don't worry, Paul', the morning sickness should stop about a month into the pregnancy."

"Izzat so?"

"Probably. I've never been pregnant, so..."

"I'm more worried about what I'm gonna tell my mom, she'll be so disappointed."

"Oh, yeah. Definitely."

"Maybe I should just pretend that I'm getting really fat, and then act like I just found a baby on the sidewalk one day which would have nothing to do with my miraculous weight loss."

"Genius. Now come on, Hangover, I'll make you breakfast."

"I can cook for myself!"

"Stand up."





"I can't..."

"Thought so. Come on, Sunshine, lemme carry you."


"And then I had to physically carry him to his couch, it was so sad." The entirety of Galley-La turned to look at Paulie.


Paulie crossed his arms. "Yeah, I had a migraine-level hangover, I deserve pity not to be the butt of your jokes."

"Yeah." One of them said. "But you had to be carried by a girl."

You knocked him out so fast that it took a second for everyone to realize he was now on the floor. "Suck on that, sexist."

Paulie walked over and gently rubbed your shoulders. "(Y/N), please stop knocking out my workers."

"Sure, when you tell them to stop being sexist."

"Okay, I got this. YO PEEPS." They all turned to look at him. "Every sexist remark you think or say about (Y/N) I would like you to write down, and then give the paper to your mother. After all, your mother is a woman too."

They all shifted awkwardly, none meeting Paulie's gaze. "That's what I though, ya bunch of ninnies. Now get back to work."

You buried your face in Paulie's chest, grinning like an idiot. "They shut up pretty quick, huh?"

"Indeed they did."

"I guess you're good for something."

"Glad to know you appreciate me."

You stood up on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "Of course I do, blondike bar."

"Why do you call me that?"

"You're not ready for the answer, Paulie. It would destroy you."

Rolling his eyes, he turned and started to walk away, saying over his shoulder as he went, "You comin'?"

You scrambled after him, once again grinning like a total fool.

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