Screw It, Let's Just Get Married

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"Hey, (Y/N)?" Paulie's voice called to you from the living room and you wandered in.


"Do you are much about all these nitpicky details?"

"Like what?"

"Basically everything."

"Not really."

"You wanna just go round up a bunch of people, buy a big cake, and get married?"

You froze mid-yawn, looking at Paulie in shock. "Like, now?"

"Sure. Why not?"

You thought about it, and he was right. Why not? You certainly couldn't think of a reason. So you reached over, grabbed his hand, and dragged him behind you out the front door and down the road.

"So you guys wanna come or nah?" Paulie tipped his head. The Galley-La workers considered for a moment then shrugged. Not like they had any plans.

And so, Paulie led his group towards the church where you'd promised to meet him. Your mother had saved her wedding dress and it was in your attic, waiting to be worn. He'd wanted to come with you, but you'd tskd and shook your head, saying, "Come on Paul', don't you know it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the moment?"

So now he was speed walking towards the church, stopping at a few places along the way for some things that you had deemed necessary. The first was a cake, which he had some of his workers carry before sending them on ahead. Next he stopped by a place to rent a tux, picking out a gold one that fit him right, with a black undershirt and a pale blue tie. Last was Mayor Iceberg, who, for some reason, you wanted there to take the place of a preacher.

You hadn't said why, despite Paulie asking multiple times.

After a very awkward conversation in which Paulie explained the wants of his fiancée, Iceberg happily agreed, following Paulie out the front door of his home and down the street to the church.

"Give us a minute to get everything ready." Iceberg tapped Paulie on the head and went in the church, leaving the poor blond alone on the front steps.

After a few minutes, he was allowed to enter. His heart pounding in his chest, he stepped up and pushed open the door.

And there you were. In a plain white dress that pooled around your feet, your hair brushed and done up, standing alone by the altar. You shifted, and from a slit in the dress Paulie saw that you were barefoot. Heh. Trust you to run to your wedding and forget your shoes.

For a moment, just a moment, he couldn't move. But then you looked up. And he started to run.

When you looked up you were surprised when your eyes met Paulie's. You hadn't heard him open the doors. He started to run, to the great amusement of the spectators, and leapt-actually leapt- up the steps to the altar, taking you in his arms and swinging you around, kissing you like he was dying of thirst and you were his glass of water.

The workers roared in approval and you thought you heard Iceberg mutter, "I haven't said anything yet."

Paulie set you down after a full minute, stepping back with a sheepish grin and a deep blush. He rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. "So uh, you wanna go home with me?"

You couldn't help it. You laughed so hard you had to lean against Iceberg to keep from sinking to the floor. "Pick-up lines?! Pick-up lines?!?"

Paulie's grin widened, his blush dying down. "What can I say? You're hot."

Iceberg held you up as you struggled to stop laughing. "M-My sides... Oh Kami, my sides hurt so bad...."

Eventually, you both managed to compose yourselves long enough for the ceremony to start. Iceberg cleared his throat and looked at both of you before speaking. "Paulie, repeat after me. I, Paulie-"

"I Paulie." He sounded breathless.

"-promise to love and to hold-"

"Promise to love and to hold."

"-to care for and protect-"

"To care for and protect."

"-to honor and to cherish-"

"To honor and to cherish."

"-you, (Y/N), for as long as we both shall live."

"You, (Y/N), for as long as we both shall live." His voice cracked on the last words and tears started to pour down his face.

Worried, you reached up to wipe away his tears and he grabbed your hand, pressing his cheek against it. "I'm sorry, I just..." Paulie gave a short laugh and smiled, tears still running down his face. "I'm just so happy."

You laughed and kissed his hands, his big, scarred, callused hands. You nodded to Iceberg and he continued.

"(Y/N), repeat after me. I, (Y/N)-"

"I, (Y/N)."

"-promise to love and to hold-"

"Promise to love and to hold."

"-to honor and to care for-"

"To honor and to care for."

"-to feed because he can't feed himself-"

With a giggle, you ignored Paulie's injured look and said, "To feed because he can't feed himself,"

"-you, Paulie, for as long as we both shall live."

"You, Paulie, for as long as we both shall live."

Iceberg nodded and placed a hand on both your shoulders. "If anyone should object to the marriage of these two speak now or forever hold your peace." The church was silent. "Good." Iceberg looked at you and said, "(Y/N), do you take Paulie to be your lawfully wedded husband."

You nodded, unable to keep the smile off your face. "I do."

"Paulie," Iceberg looked towards the blond next. "Do you accept (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wi-"

"I DO!"

Paulie shouted the words before Iceberg should finish speaking. The mayor gave him a look of raw unamusement. "I can see that you do. Now can I say the next line or are you going to interrupt me again?"

Paulie blushed and smiled.

"Fine. You may kiss the- DANGIT PAULIE."

Paulie had grabbed you before Iceberg could finish speaking, swinging you around and kissing you roughly, pushing one hand into your thick hair.

The crowd roared their approval once more, clapping and shouting as Paulie held you as close to him as he possibly could.

Breathless and a little dizzy, you grabbed Paulie's arm when you set you down, grinning like a fool. Together, you walked down the steps and headed towards the large cake that had been set up on a table someone had managed to find in the storage room.

And the party started.

Paulie x Reader     Heartstrings Where stories live. Discover now