Aqua Laguna

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You rushed around the docks, doing your best to tie some things down and move others to a safer place.

It was that time of year again, and with Aqua Laguna coming, you couldn't afford to have objects laying loose.

Paulie stopped by your side, panting. "You okay?"

You rolled your eyes and gave him a gentle nudge. "I'm fine Paulie. Not sick anymore, remember? Now go on Boss, you're bugging me." He left, but not before kissing you once. Blushing faintly, with a soft smile across your face, you went back to work.

You dusted your hand off on your pants and put them in the pockets of your jacket, surveying the work done and the work that had yet to be done. "Quite a lot to do..."

"Mmhmm." Paulie hugged you from behind and rested his chin on the top of your head. "But, right now, not our problem."

You looked up at the sun, which had begun sliding down towards sunset. "Huh. You're right. I hadn't even noticed."

Shift over, you now had the rest of the day to yourselves. "You think they'll get it all done without us?"

"Of course. I assigned some people to work overnight, so it should all get done before the wave hits."

"Alrighty then." You leaned against him, reaching one hand back to run through his pale hair. "Should we go home?"

"Is there anything else you want to do?"

"Not particularly."

"Home it is then." Paulie picked you up and started carrying you bridal style back up the road towards your house, ignoring your words of protest.

"Paulie! I can walk you know!"

"I know, I know. Geez (N/N), am I not allowed to hold you anymore?" He kissed you as he walked, so that every time you tried to protest your words were cut off by the pressure of his mouth on yours.

By the time you got home you were just complaining to get him to kiss you again. He knew it, too. "Paulie..." You whined and tugged at his jacket. Chuckling quietly, he leaned down and kissed you again, slowly running his tongue along yours, kissing you in his gentle way.

He left you breathless.

He managed to get the front door open without putting you down and walked in, kicking the door shut behind him. Paulie sat down on the couch and held you closer to him, rubbing his cheek against yours.

You laughed at the rough feel of his stubble and took his face in your hands, kissing him roughly. "I love you, Paulie."

He hugged you tight, burying his face in your hair. "I love you too, (Y/N). My little (N/N)~"

The next day at noon, Aqua Laguna hit, fiercer than any before it. Dark water lapped along the cobblestones not far from your house, and Paulie looked out the window at it, worry in every line of his body.

You walked up behind him and gently pushed his coat from his body. He glanced back at you, but offered no resistance. You rubbed his shoulders, massaging the tight knots of stress that bunched his muscles.

He sighed quietly at your touch, though he didn't speak about what was bothering him and you didn't push. He would tell you when he was ready.

After a few minutes, Paulie quietly began to talk. "Every year it gets worse, (Y/N). Every year it destroys more." He looked down at his hands, like he was frustrated that he couldn't hold back the ocean with them.

"I have a dream." His voice got a little bit stronger. "I want to make this whole place, this whole Water Seven, float."

"What?" You couldn't stop the word from spilling out.

He turned to look at you, passion burning in his blue eyes. "I'm going to make this place into a boat. Then no one will ever be hurt by the Aqua Laguna again."

"Paulie..." You reached out and cupped his cheek. "That's crazy." Hurt flashed in his eyes and you leaned forward, kissing him briefly before saying, "So crazy, in fact, that you're probably the only person that could pull it off."

"You think I can do it...?" His voice was hushed, but you could hear the hope in it. You realized then how much your support actually mattered to him.

"Of course I do, Paulie. Of course I do."

He kissed you suddenly, pulling back long enough to press you against him and hold you with your back to the wall. "Thank you, (Y/N)." Paulie's voice rang with joy and he kissed you again, while his hands roamed across your body.

His touch sent fire through your blood, heat blooming at every place his rough hands brushed you. "Paulie..." You whimpered his name and he rested his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.

You wondered how it had taken you all these years to realize how perfect he really was.

(Alright mates, the big question. Do I make it a lemon, or do I skip the spicy stuff and imply it happened? Please let me know what you want.)

Paulie x Reader     Heartstrings Where stories live. Discover now