Lazy Day

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You didn't bother to get up in the morning, choosing instead to nudge Paulie until he closed the curtains and shut out the sunlight. Settling back in his arms, you sleepily kissed his bare chest before yawning and pulling the covers up to your chin.

He tucked you close, wrapping his arms and legs around you and resting his chin on the top of your head.

You lay there for a long while, paying no heed to the passage of time. Neither of you were needed at the docks, and neither of you felt any obligation to do anything but be together. The friendly love you'd always felt for Paulie was growing into something much deeper. Something much fiercer. You couldn't think of anything greater than sleeping till noon in his arms.

Eventually, hunger drove the two of you to the kitchen, where breakfast was a lazy meal of cereal and juice. You didn't bother to clean, leaving the dishes for a later time, when one of you could be bothered to do chores.

The two of you milled around the living room for a bit, conflicted on wether or not you should stay up. Eventually, you staggered back to bed, whereupon hardcore snuggles ensued.

Slowly, the two of you shook off sleep, and Paulie started to tickle you. Laughing and flailing, you ended up dragging the both of you to the floor. Both of you were laughing, limbs tangled up, each person a mess in their own right.

Paulie had ended up on top of you, and when you stopped laughing he pushed himself up enough to look into your eyes. He looked at you, sleep in your eyes, hair a mess, wearing his shirt and boxers, and said, "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

You blushed, not expecting the compliment. Part of you wanted to hide from embarrassment, but the bigger part held you still, gazing into those deep blue eyes.

When he leaned forward to kiss you, you closed your eyes and placed one hand on the back of his neck. The few kisses you'd shared thus far has been shy, hesitant, just a brush of the lips.

But this was different. One hand gripping your hair, his mouth was pressed fully against yours. You held on to him, happiness bubbling up from his touch. When he ran his tongue over your lips in a silent plea for entrance, you let him in, giving a small hum as he ran his tongue over yours.

He tasted sweet, like honeysuckle.

One hand moved slowly up and down your side, love in every move of his body. The slow way he kissed you was perfect in every way, the gentle movements of his lips and tongue against your own making your heart sing with joy.

When he eventually had to pull away, a small thread of saliva connected your mouth to his for a moment. Then he just looked at you, almost glowing with pure, sweet love.

Paulie laid down on you, his cheek pressed against yours. "(Y/N)?"


"Never mind..." He barely whispered the words.

You smiled, finally knowing what it was he'd been wanting to say. "I love you too, Paulie."

Paulie had his arms around you as you cooked a simple dinner, his head on your shoulder. Smiling as you worked, you occasionally held your spoon up for him to taste the soup. He always claimed it was perfect. Tasting it yourself revealed that it was lacking in one thing or another. "Paulie, if you can't give an honest answer, I'll stop letting you taste it."

He nuzzled your neck, grinning. "It's not my fault. I'm no good at telling what something needs. My cooking skills include a glass of tap water, a sandwich, and Mac n' Cheese."

"Ah, yes, all you need to survive."

"Bleh. No way." He gently kissed your neck. "Why do you think I'm always so glad when you cook instead?"

"Because I'm the greatest chef ever?"

"Sure, (N/N)."

Grinning as well, you turned your head and let Paulie kiss you, reaching one hand back to ruffle his slicked back hair.

When the soup was up to your personal standards, you filled a bowl and gave it to Paulie. "Finally, I thought I'd die of hunger before you decided it was done." You hit him with the spoon.

He grinned. "Worth it."

You rolled your eyes and got your own bowl. "Paulie?"


"Are you going to put anything else on, or is it an underwear only kind of day."

"I'm on a clothes strike."

You kissed his temple and further ruffled his hair, smiling at his silly ways.

You watched in fascination as Paulie knitted. You didn't know he had this skill, but apparently he did. You couldn't really tell what he was doing, seeing as his fingers were basically a blur. When questioned, he said it just came with his knowledge of ropes and knots. You shook your head, amazed. "You are really good at that, Paul'."

He grinned and said, "I should hope so, seeing as how I've been doing it for years."

"I don't think I'd ever be able to learn."

"I could show you if you want to try."

You shrugged. "Maybe one day, but it'll probably be you who makes the little clothes for our babies."

His hands stopped and he looked at you, surprise in his eyes. "...Babies?"

You blushed deeply, just realizing what you'd said. "W-Well, I mean if you want- That is, if you don't mind- I mean I just-"

He reached out and covered your mouth, stopping your embarrassed ramble. You dared to look up at him and saw only love and happiness on his face.

"Yeah." He said quietly. "I guess I will."

He went back to his knitting and you settled against his side, resting your head on his chest.

Paulie was pressed up against your back, limbs wrapped around your body. It was easy to fall asleep with him, warmed by his body. You smiled as you drifted off, happy with the complete lack of productivity that this day had held.

A lazy day, indeed.

Paulie x Reader     Heartstrings Where stories live. Discover now