Two Weeks Later

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You'd been living with Paulie for three weeks now, and it has been the most stressless three weeks of your life. Work was easy, you had no monetary problems, sleeping came easily and sweetly with Paulie by your side, and his house was small enough that it was easy to keep clean.

In other words, life was bliss.

Occasionally, you'd have to sass him when he wouldn't pick up his dishes or something, but it was always something small, never anything to really fight over.

You were never bored around Paulie. If he wasn't telling some wild half-made-up tale to make you laugh, or just holding you close, then he was chasing you around the house, tickling you breathless whenever you got within reach.

Currently, you were on his porch with him, sitting close on the porch swing, watching the rain fall. He blew smoke rings and you blew them apart, earning and exasperated look from the shipwright. "Why must you always do this?"

"Because it smells like death and cancer."

He rolled his eyes and snubbed out the cigar. You have an exaggerated gasp and said, "Could it be?! Fresh air?!!?"

He looked at you through narrowed eyes. You smiled. "What?"

"I'm trying to decide if it's worth the consequences."

"If what is?"

He didn't answer in words, instead pulling his jacket off your body and picking you up. "Paulie? What are you doing?" He stepped up to the edge of the porch. You squished close to him, trying to stay dry. "Paulie, don't." He stepped off the porch.

The downpour of rain soaked you through in a second, but Paulie didn't stop. He ran out into the rain with you screaming and flailing in his arms. Then he crushed you to his chest and fell to the ground, rolling over and over down a hill with you forced against him.

Screeching now, you jumped up and ran in circles, but you can't exactly run away from rain. Something thudded against your back and you whipped around to see Paulie, on his knees, looking ridiculously proud of himself, covered in mud.

With some of said mud still in his hands.

"Oh, it is on." You jumped on him, pulling him down and shoving his hair into the mud. Laughing, he bucked you off and shoved his hands under you, rolling you over, effectively covering you in dirt.

You chased each other in circles, throwing mud and just generally making a mess of yourselves. For a moment you considered being embarrassed that you were acting like a three year old, but you ditched the thought and tackled Paulie to the ground. Embarrassment could wait.

Paulie attempted to scrub the mud out of your hair, deeply confused as to why is seemed glued to your head. "I don't understand, why is it doing this."

"Because, Paulie, women's hair just... Grabs everything. And doesn't let go. That's what it does."


You never once considered telling him that you were lying.

He rinsed the soap out of your hair for the third time and sighed. "Still dirty... I'm done." He leaned back against the edge of the tub, head tipped back, eyes shut.

You grabbed the shampoo and washed the dirt out first try.

"How did you...? Ya know what? I don't think I care."

You grinned at Paulie, reaching out to boop his nose. "It's just because I know how to work it, hun."

"Apparently..." He yawned, wrapping an arm around you when you leaned against him. "Sorry if you get a cold."

"You better be."

He hummed in response, gently running a hand over your bare side. You relaxed against him, happy for the attention. When his hand gently laid over you breast, you let it stay there, giggling at the deep blush on Paulie's face.

"You are so cute." He shook his head, still denying that a man could be 'cute'. You moved so that you were on top of him, your hands on the edge of the tub to keep your body barely over his. He covered his face with his hands, red all the way to his ears.

You gently pulled his hands away from his face, but he kept his eyes shut tight. You laughed and kissed him gently. "This is why we all think you're afraid of women."

You laid on top of him and he squeaked. Paulie slowly wrapped his arms around you, rubbing a hand through your now-clean hair.

"I'm not scared of them."

"You can't even say boobs."

"Well, it's a weird word."

You laughed, leaning forward and kissing him again. "Paulie?"


"Never mind."

Paulie x Reader     Heartstrings Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon