Part 3

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I was able to go back to my studies on that Thursday... Of course I had to use my acting skills, to convince my doctor that I was indeed sick for all this time, but I don't really think that Mrs. Jensen would be very upset, if she found out that I was simulating my illness.

Even though I felt slightly nervous about going back tot eh university, I had to admit that it felt good to be back. I had nearly perfect attendance and I was proud to find myself amongst the best in my course, so... well, I might as well describe myself as a nerd, but those who knew me, simply said that I had a bright mind and had no difficulties, when it came to learning new things.

Erin was the first person, whom I met in the hall. She was so happy to see me that I felt rather bad for not telling her the truth about my sudden leave.

I should probably introduce you to Erin... She was one of the first people, whom I met, when I started my studies in university. I was socially awkward, but she came forward with such kindness that it was obvious that she and I- we will become friends. Erin was naturally beautiful with golden long hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was white with a touch of pink to it. She was always optimistic and everyone wanted to befriend her... I don't even know why she chose me as a confidante, but I can't even imagine my everyday existence in university without her presence.

"Ruby!" she chanted as she rushed towards me and jumped to hug me. I did not expect that and she almost knocked me over, but I managed to keep my balance.

"Erin, hi!" my answer to her was less ecstatic, even though I was happy to see her.

"Where were you?" She pulled away and looked right into my eyes with a visible question on her face.

"I was at home..." I chuckled quietly, "Erin, I was sick, remember?"

"No..." she said thoughtfully, "I have experienced times, when you are sick... you get bored and I usually receive tons of messages. But this time, it was a deadly silence. Where were you?"

She knew me well, but I didn't really wish to go into details, so I chose to lie again. "I felt miserable, really... besides, I had no time to feel bored, I had to work on my final paper, remember?"

Erin flinched, when I explained it to her.

"Oh, don't even start..." she sounded slightly irritated as she turned around and we started to walk towards the class, "I got in touch with my mentor, and – apparently-- I don't understand the meaning of my research, so I have to rewrite the most of it."

"Wow, that sucks..." I tried to sound compassionate, even tough I caught myself glancing into another direction. Classroom Nr. 204... Mr. Urie's audithory.... for jsut a split second I started to wonder, if I really should get in touch with him.

"... Ruby, are you listening?" Erin brought me back into reality.

"What? Oh... sorry. Why do you have to rewrite it?"

Erin sighed. Apparently she had already told me that, but I had missed it.

"It's not a big deal, as long as you're back..." she changed the subject, grabbing me by the elbow. "Now, tell me, what are your plans for the Spring Break."

I gave her a confused glance and felt an awkward smile, crossing my lips. "Erin, you know that I have to study... we both do..."

"Oh, don't be such a nerd. I am almost certain that we'll think of something..." She got carried away by this thought, talking about the possible trip, as we approached the classroom.


The day passed by quickly. Erin skipped the last lecture, leaving me alone. Of course, I did have other friends and acquaintances among my course mates, but none of them was as close as Erin, so it did not surprise or even upset me, when by the end of the day, I was left alone again.

I had promised to myself that I will go to the library, before I leave the faculty, and so I did. My course was the last one to stay in the faculty today, so the building felt very empty, when I reached the library, which was situated on the first floor.

The library was quiet. Only few students were sitting by the desks with their laptops and books. It usually made me feel guilty, since I did not like to visit this place very often.

Quietly I greeted the librarian. Mrs. Tate was a woman in her fortifies with pleasant facial traits and short pixie hair. She was always dressed in well ironed blouse and skirt, which underlined her figure and would never be too short. She gave me the kindest of smiled and I smiled back at her.

I crossed the room and sat down by one of the computers. I needed to access the main catalog and order few books, which would benefit to my next assignments. Quickly I started typing the name of the first author I was looking for, when I felt a light touch to my shoulder. Startled by this sedation, I looked up to see the only one person, whom I did not expect to meet here.

"Good afternoon, Miss Greene." He spoke quietly, looking rather confound than pleased.

"Mr. Urie..." I almost screamed out his name, but I managed to collect my expression in a very last moment, "How are you?"

"I am fine..." He replied as he removed his hand from my shoulder. "I thought you were still on a sick leave."

"No..." I said uncomfortably, "I just... I was so busy, I forgot to inform you."

"I see." Mr. Urie said and his expression became less tense. "We can talk now, if that's okay with you."

"Umm..." I looked around and caught the look of librarian. Mrs. Tate instantly turned away, pretending that she was busy with something, what was placed on her table (I couldn't really tell what it was). "I wanted to order few books..." I said thoughtfully, now knowing what to answer.

"Sure thing. Studies come first, right?"

"Right..." I responded awkwardly.

"Okay. I will be outside by the door then." Mr. Urie responded with his usual ease, "Take your time, Miss. Greene."

As soon as he had finished that sentence, Mr. Urie turned around and walked towards the door, leaving me there with, what might seem, the most idiotic facial expression on my face. I looked confused and stupefied at the same time. He really wanted to talk to me, and I didn't really know the subject of the conversation. Yes, I did realize that he probably wanted to discuss the project, which, as he had mentioned it before, required my help, but was it really that important, that he was willing to wait for me until I order and get my books?

S*it, he was wasting his time on me! I had to hurry the f*ck up.

Quickly I returned back to the computer and started typing the name of the author, whose book I had to order.

Quickly I returned back to the computer and started typing the name of the author, whose book I had to order

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