Part 11

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"Can I see you anytime soon?"

Sometimes I feared that Mr. Urie might never meet my expectations...What I wanted to say was that in my dumb imagination I heard those words as a promise... But... maybe I was stupid, maybe I was still just an immature girl, who thought that she mattered somehow.

No... he did not meet me on the next day or the day after... Actually once more he had just... left. Even on the next Tuesday he wasn't in the faculty. Instead we received a lecture from one of PhD students, whose name I don't even remember.

We were informed that Mr. Urie had left. Apparently he had to give few lectures in some university in London. No... I was proud of him, it meant that he was good at his job. However, I didn't even get a note from him, or a message... or a phone call. What was I expecting? Maybe... probably, he was just playing me. After all he was older and more experienced. And I was just a student... a girl practically, who was still dependent on her parents most of the time. Being in relationships with me would be the same as adopting me, I suppose.

"Hey, why are you so down today?"

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. I turned around and saw Ella. She stood there, looking right at me with her bright blue eyes and ash blond hair. I hated that pink sweater she was wearing, which matched her blue jeans so perfectly. Why was she always like that? So perfect, yet annoying at the same time.

"Hey, Ella..." I greeted her unwillingly. "Nothing, it's just..."

"Have..." she swallowed hard, before pronouncing it quietly, "Have you heard anything?"

''About what?'' I frowned at her.

''Well, you know... about the presentation?'' Ella spoke as she sat down by the desk just one chair away from me.

I did not approve her choice of seat, but I thought that saying it out loud might seem even more confusing than her referring to Brendon only with the help of subtext.

''No. Did you meet his requirements?''

''Yes. I sent it away as soon as I could. The text, it' s all yours, everything should be fine.'' Ella nodded.

I sat quiet as she unpacked her notebook and pen, ready for the next lecture.

''It' s odd that he did not inform us about this trip to London. He usually lets us know everything at least with the help of an e-mail.'' I spoke quietly, I did not wish to draw any unnecessary attention. However, it was too late, few girls in front of us had already overheard our conversation and were now exchanging with whispers... I wonder, if I was a part of those rumors they were telling about Mr. Urie.

I mean, I have heard few of those trough the time I was studying in the university... I've heard that he was once, when he was still a student here, very friendly with a girl, who died right before they graduated... they told that he was somehow involved with her and that, even though, he had nothing to do with her death, he was still interviewed by the police... Also, no one really knew how he could afford everything what he owned... I mean, if you look at Mr. Urie, you see that he tends to wear just the best clothing and he drives a very expensive car. Some might say that he might have inherited it from his parents, but, according to my recent knowledge, Mr. Urie was an orphan... So... How?

''Maybe it was urgent.'' Ella dragged me back into the reality. ''I mean, the recent trip to Germany also happened without any previous warning... at lest we had a substitute this time, and we will not have to take any extra lectures.''

''I guess you're right...'' I admitted and in that moment our conversation was cut off by Mrs. Hynes, who came into the auditorium to start our lecture.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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