Chapter one- Comedic scenarios

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(Y/n) absolutely LOVED jokes, puns and humor. She loved the reactions she would get out of people and her favorite sound in the world to hear was laughter, especially when they laughed at her jokes. (Y/n) was a pretty normal girl, except she lived with her four best friends: Samantha, Katlyn, Felice and Alana. They all were in relationships and to be honest, (y/n) found it quite annoying at times, for example: they would all go out with their boyfriends and leave her alone until she "found someone", and they would all share inside jokes except her, but nontheless, she loved them and would protect them no matter what. Back to the subject of (y/n)'s Comedy Skills, she got a lot of her inspiration from the comedy star, Sans. He was her idol, though she'd never admit it. In fact, the reason she first decided to become funny was for two reasons: one is a story we shall save for later, and the other is because laughter was her drug, or addiction. Laughter was her life and she hated seeing others cry. The only time she would ever cry is during thunderstorms, which she is deathly afraid of. Sans helped her find her sense of humor, even if her puns really are bad, she loves it and the reaction she can get out of people. Currently, (y/n) was walking back from (ironically), one of sans' comedy shows, with special guest star Mettaton. (Y/n) wasn't a huge fan of Mettaton, he's a bit stuck up. (Y/n) was with her small group of friends and was throwing out some jokes here and there. 

"H.O.M.E.W.O.R.K to me, means- Half Of My Energy Wasted On Stupid Knowledge!" (Y/n) said as she received a chorus of laughs and giggles from Samantha, Katlyn, Felice and Alana.

"(Y/n) you're so funny! You're almost better than Sans!" Katlyn said, in between laughs.
"Oh I doubt that, Katlyn. He's way better than I am!" The (h/c) female said.
"No way, (y/n), you guys could be like, a comedy duo! I can see it now : Sans and (y/n), Comedy duo extraordinaire! " Felice said, gesturing out a fake headline with her hands.
(Y/n) laughed along with the others.
"Hey guys you wanna go somewhere for food?" Samantha asked, hopefully
"I know just the place, girls. Is only a couple blocks down" (y/n) replied, almost as if she knew this was coming.
"Oh! Oh! Where?" Alana asked, a bit impatiently.
"It's called Grillby's. Best food this side of town. You guys will love it, Grillby is a good friend of mine." (Y/n) answered.
"Is that where you disappear to all the time?!" Samantha questioned.
"Yep." (Y/n) replied simply.

By now, the group of friends had made it to the place called "Grillby's" , a cute little pub that always seemed to be at least half full. (Y/n) walked up to the bar (A/n- you usually sit like, RIGHT next to where sans usually would sit) and sat in a stool, with her friends following close behind.
"Hey guys, isn't grillbz really HOT?" (Y/n) says to her friends, who notice the bartender and start laughing.
"Seriously, (y/n), how do you come up with this stuff so fast?!" Alana asked, still giggling.
"Meh, practice I guess. Hey grillby!" (Y/n) says to the fire monster currently cleaning a glass. (A/n- yes, Grillby can talk in this one *w*)
" welcome back (y/n)" Grillby says in his smooth, crackling voice. "The usual for you?" "You know me too well. Guys, what do you want: Burger or Fries?" The (h/c) girl asks her friends. "Is that all they have here?" Katlyn asks. "Well, yeah. For some reason, there is an ungodly amount of ketchup here so unless you're gonna drink it or something, I'd keep to the burger or fries."

Quick timeskip~~
Grillby soon came back with three orders of fries, and two burgers. Also, he had five drinks for all of you. "Enjoy" he said before returning to that glass that never seems to be fully cleaned.
"Cheers to comedy and puns, everyone!" (Y/n) says, to be rewarded with some laughs. "CHEERS!" The young adults all say together. Just then, Felice's text alert goes off, soon to be followed by Samantha's, then Alana's, then katlyn's. "Oh! Looks like the guys need us for something back at the house, sorry (Y/n), we have to run real quick", Samantha tells the downcast- looking (Y/n). "Ah, no problem... Ill stay here for a bit- I'll see ya later, girls!" (Y/n) says, pretending to be fine. The others bought it pretty quickly, then left, taking their leftovers with them.

(A/n- when the words are in italics and in quotations, that's your/ someone else's thoughts)

*sigh* "sometimes I just wish they DIDNT have boyfriends to keep them from hanging out with me. But I guess if they're happy, then I'm happy" (y/n) thought, unhappily. Suddenly, her gloomy thoughts were interrupted by a loud slam of the door opening, followed by lots of high-pitched squeals.

BOOM! Chapter one! Have fun my dear readers, you have NO idea what's in store for youuuu!

(You probably do but anyway--)

Author-chan out!~

I'm Just Playing PretendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora