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(Takes place after the good ending, a few months later. Bonus chapter has not happened (yet:3). Also, FRICKIN REVENGE TIME BOIZZZZ)

"Thank you and good night!" You say, waving to the crowd with the microphone in your hand. Sans, your now boyfriend, takes your hand and walks off the stage with you.

You get off the platform and fistbump him. "Nice job out there, Sans. You really killed it! Uh. In a good way." You say. He kisses your nose lightly. "Heh. I know, love. You were hilarious too!" He says. "The last show is always the best. Finally we get a break. No prep, no rehearsals, just relaxing..." you sigh happily.

"But we still have the afterparty. Famous comedians like us are still needed, even offstage." He notions. You huff and lean your head on his shoulder. He puts an arm around your waist, as Sparkle-Bot 2000 comes around the corner. "You were ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS, darlings! You two really make the power couple!" He says. You chuckle as Sans's face turns a little blue.

After a while of talking with the gay toaster, you and Sans exit the back doors, and get into the car to head to the Grillby's, where the afterparty is being held. Sans takes the driver's seat while you take the passenger's.

You step out of the car a few minutes later, and head into the bar with your bone-friend. "HEY PUNKS!" Undyne yells from the front of the bar before falling out of the stool she was sitting on, on her face. She miiiiiiiiiight already be drunk... you probably should avoid that for the time being.

You walk over to where Alphys and Papyrus are hanging out and start chatting. Papyrus is too young to drink, well... too innocent to know what being drunk is, and Alphys has lab work in the morning, and a hangover with work is NOT FUN.

"So, as I was saying about th-mrff?!" You're cut off by sans swirling you around and passionately kissing you. He pulls away after a bit. "W-what was that for? Did I do something right?" You ask sarcastically.

He pulls you closer, and he whispers him your ear "She's back...".  Your eyes go wide and your face pale. He kisses you again. "I'm not gonna let that slut ruin our lives again, love." He whispers reassuringly.

"Where?" You ask. He points to across the bar where Slutton is standing in a dress. A VEEEEERRRRRYY revealing dress mind you. She's staring directly at Sans, a dreamy look in her eyes. Her hands start to form a dark aura around them.

You grab Sans's shirt collar and pull him in, kissing him, and causing Slutton's anger to flare. She starts to storm over to your spot.

You both pull away from the kiss, breathing heavily for air. She reaches where you are and lifts up her hand to slap you. You grab her wrist and pin it behind her back. Her other hand is clawing at you, but Sans uses his magic to hold that back as well.

She screeches. "Why won't you love me?! Not this wretch of a person you call a girlfriend?!" He gives her a smug look, pulling you over and kissing you again. He uses his magic to hold both her hands behind her back.

"Because this wonderful, amazing, funny, beautiful girlfriend of mine doesn't cause people to commit suicide, isn't a yandere, and will go out of her way to show complete and utter kindness to anyone. That is something you will never be, so I advise you to drop your obsession, and stop praying on my girlfriend, which, mind you, is waaay too good for you. F**k off, Slutton." He growls, before teleporting everyone back to his house.

The room erupts in cheers, and sans and You laugh with each other. She's really out of our lives. Sans leads you over to the couch, you both sitting down, and snuggling into each others warm embrace...

...Finally, I've got a happy ending.

(Or is it)

I hope you all enjoyed!

Author-chan out!~

I'm Just Playing PretendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon