Chapter two- Saving a skeleton's nonexistant butt

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"EEEEEEEEEEE! OH MAH GAWD SANS IM, LIKE UR BIGGEST FAN!!!!" A loud, squeaky voice shouts from the front of the room, where a large group of mostly pink, long haired girls are swooning over someone. The vast majority of the girls had long hair down to their butts, were wearing mostly pink shirts and accessories, with dangerously short shorts and skirts, which is strange, considering it's the middle of winter and a heavy snowstorm is on the broadcast. Constant shouts of "SANSY I LURVE YOU!", "SANS! SANS! OVER HERE!" And "SANS CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?!" Resonated from the front of the building and the fiery bartender was clearly getting annoyed. (Y/n) quickly caught on the fact that one of her idols are in the room and of course she was exited, but she decided to play it cool and help out both the comedian and the bartender. The (h/c) haired girl briskly walked over to the crowd of fangirls and gently, but firmly pushed them away from the poor skeleton who was not enjoying the fangirl's attention. (Y/n) raised her voice a bit to be heard, and the intruding girls fell silent at the interruption. "Ladies, ladies, please. Leave the poor skeleton alone!" (Y/n) said. "Oh yeah?! What right do you have to interfere?!" One of the girls asked, in a snarky tone. "What right do you have to invade this poor gentleman's personal space, huh?" (Y/n) replied with a tone mirroring the other girl's. "Hmmph. Well then, I challenge you to a pun battle!" The fangirl replied, smirking. The other girls started chanting "Jessica! Jessica!" Which (y/n) assumed was the girl standing in front of her's name. (A/n- sorry if that's your name! Change it if you want!) "no one beats Jessica in a pun battle!" A girl within the crowd yelled. Poor sans was just standing in the middle of it all, not knowing what to do. The (h/c) haired girl chuckled darkly before saying "you're on. " Jessica chose to start. "Looks like you're BONED" Jessica referred to the skeleton in the middle if them. By now, the entire pub was watching the action before them. And no one except one of the pub members slightly chuckled, where as Jessica's group of girls broke out into laughter that sounded like a wounded parakeet. (Y/n) quickly thought of a comeback and fired away " I suggest you keep it down, my friend Grillby here can get pretty hot headed at times. We don't wanna get him fired up. Speaking of skeleton puns, I've got a skeleton of them, but you really need to put more backbone into yours. I'm a boneafied punmaster here. Also- why are you wearing those clothes. One: they make you look like a s**t. Two: its. WINTER. I mean, that's not gonna be very ice on your skin. But, I have snow problem with it. And no. I'm not sorry if I'm being too cold hearted for ya. " (y/n) finished her pun roast to have Jessica and her group looking at her with an open mouth and sans and the bar howling with laughter. She couldn't help but confidently smirk. "I-I- UGH. WERE LEAVING!" Jessica screeched and hurried out the door with her group following. "Ugh. Bi****s." (Y/n) sighed before noticing that Sans was still standing there, staring at the girl who saved him from going deaf from squeals. "Oh! Hey- you're still here! You... want something?" She asked Sans. "Heh. Sure". He allowed himself to be pulled to the par where he was placed in his usual seat (ironically) and proceeded to snap back into reality. " hey, thanks for that. You're really good at comedy!" Sans said to the girl, who was calling Grillby over. "Oh it was nothing... I couldn't let you just get swallowed by their glitter and fake personalities" (y/n) said quickly. Sans laughed, and the (h/c) haired girl finally got to get a real ear full of his laughter. It was low and deep, something almost anyone could fall asleep to. (Y/n) had never heard anyone's laugh like that, and he longed to hear more of it (A/n- no, not in a romantic way. I'm going to make (y/n) slowly fall for him, she just has a really strange addiction to people's laughter). In the midst of Sans' laughter, Grillby came over with a surprised look on his face. "Sans... long time no see, huh? (Y/n) here has become one of my regulars. Came in the first day, in fact, always came back... at least she pays her bill- SANS." (Y/n) started cracking up at this, which, for some reason, sans really enjoyed hearing. (A/n- yes, I am going to make it different for sans. He's gonna have a slight crush at the beginning and slowly fall deeper, but he won't know that he has a crush on (y/n) hehehhh I'm so evil >:3)) "Aww come on grillbz, I actually have a good job now, doing shows." Sans whined in a jokingly way, which only made (Y/n) laugh more. Grillby just sighed and asked Sans what he wanted. "Just some ketchup Grillbz." Sans replied. "What are you gonna do wi-" (y/n) questioned the skeleton who received a bottle of ketchup, popped the lid off and started chugging it. Not even five minutes later, he was finished, leaving (Y/n) stunned. Sans smirked at the action and said " What? I just really like ketchup!"


(Y/n) and Sans had been talking, joking and laughing for a good hour and mostly everyone except grillby had already left to their homes. (Y/n) was about to throw out another pun, before she was interrupted by the TV in the corner. "No one is allowed outside for the time being! Severe snow storms are currently raging! Stay warm and dry!" " crap! I need to get home!" (Y/n) anxiously said before running up to the door to find it frozen shut. "D**n it. Frozen shut". Sans noticed her worried expression and offered something before he could stop himself "You could stay at my place until the storm stops" "no, no, I'd hate to be a burden on you" "Well, you're coming with me now, I'm not just gonna let you freeze here!" Sans said, beckoning for (Y/n) to come to him. She did and sans grabbed her hands. "Close your eyes kid..."

BOOM. chapter two done!
Hope it wasn't trash!

Author-chan out~~

I'm Just Playing Pretendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें