Chapter 1

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"Do you,Philip Micheal Lester,Take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"And do you, Daniel James Howell,Take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Of course I do"

And with that,The two men kissed.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband"


They sat on their sofa,browsing the internet.

"I wish we could adopt a kid",Dan sighed,"If only I didn't get myself that Damn criminal record"

"At least we got to meet from it",Phil looked up from his laptop,Leaning over to kiss Dan's cheek.

"You're right"

"Why did you come out with that anyway?"

"Ha....come out.",Dan laughed.

"Haha,you dork"

"Your dork"

"My dork"

"Anyway,I was looking at these pictures of gay couples and kids"

Phil looked at Dan's laptop and then at his search bar,"You actually searched 'gay couples with kids'?",Phil chuckled.

"I'm sorry"


"It's my fault we can't have a child,If I hadn't done all them things, we would be able to adopt"

"As I said,we wouldn't have met if you hadn't"

"My flaws can be good,eh?"

"Uhuh",Phil nodded,"Hey look at this!",He showed Dan a funny video of a lion.

"Of course it's a lion",Dan grinned.

There was a knock at the door.

Phil put his laptop to the side and got up to open the door. He opened the wooden door and saw a man dressed in all black standing in front of him,A bandanna covering the bottom half of his face.


"Where is He?"


"Dan,your little lover boy,Tell him he owes me",He turned and walked away.

"Who was that,Philly?"

"No one.."

"Okay,Can you get me a glass of water while your up?"


Old Stranger//Phan Book #2Where stories live. Discover now