Chapter 8

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Phil ran through the busy train station,searching for any sign of the man he loved.

He remembered the first time they met,Phil was too shy to be flirtatious towards him,he wanted to be but he couldn't bring himself to it. He would look into Dan's chocolate eyes and he would get lost in the beautiful shade of brown,Dan's eyes would hold Phil up,They stopped him from falling,If he felt sad,He could just look into Dan's eyes and forget everything,He wouldn't feel anything,He would be at peace,In his own world,His own world that he shared with Dan,They would live there together when times got hard,They would fall in love when people became horrible.

Phil remembered the way Dan had figured out Phil's life in just a matter of a couple days,from just talking to him.

He remembered Dan's trust,The way he would fall into Phil's arms when he couldn't cope,When he told him that everyone gave up on him.

He remembered the look in Dan's eyes when he found Phil lying on the concrete ground,The fear and worry that Dan had for Phil made him feel warm.

He remembered when he told Dan that he loved him,The pink rising in his cheeks.

He remembered their first kiss,The way he felt fireworks explode in his body,Dan's soft lips filling him with hope and love.

Phil ran up to every staff member,Asking them frantically if they had seen the man he described, They all shook their heads,Not giving Phil a second glance. He ran to the men's bathroom,Kicking open all of the stalls,No sign of him. He had ran away from Dan's mother and Louise,He decided to find them again,His heart sinking when Mrs. Howell looked even more worried.

They hadn't found him. Phil couldn't cope anymore.

He was suffocating.

He was drowning.

He just wasn't coping.

He couldn't cope.

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