Chapter 9

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"Why am I even here Markus?",Dan spat.

"You owe me and Brendon"

"What the fuck do I owe you two arseholes?!",Dan shut his mouth quickly,Knowing the consequence.

He received a hard blow to the jaw,Making him swallow a couple teeth,"You owe us everything,Daniel,We dealt with them bullies when you were in school,You promised to stay with us,Be a criminal,But no- you went off with a fucking Police officer"

"I made that promise when we were fourteen,Surely it shouldn't matter now?!"

"But you broke it when you were over twenty,You could of got us arrested!"

"You know i wouldn't snitch"

Markus rolled his eyes and put his phone down on the table beside Dan,before walking out.

"Why did he just leave his phone there?",Dan whispered to himself before looking around the room and shuffling his chair towards it.

"Shit!",He felt himself being cut by a piece of sharp broken wood.

He saw this as his chance,He rubbed the ropes tying his hands back against the wood,Cutting the strands. When his hands were free he grabbed the phone and unlocked it. It seemed too easy.

Dan dialled Phil's number and held the phone to his ear,listening to the ringing sound,His head hurt.

"Hello?",A hushed voice answered.

"PHIL?! Phil is it you?"

"Dan!, Oh my God,Dan,yes its me,Where are you,I'm so worried"

"Waterloo train station, some sort of basement"

Phil looked around to see the door marked Staff Only ,"I'll be there soon,I love you"

Then the line went flat.

"So,you fell for the trick?",A familiar voice came from the corner of the dark room.


"Yep,You're so stupid,Surely getting that phone was too easy? Surely you got suspicious?"

Dan nodded,Slowly backing up to the door,Then he ran,He started to pull the door,It was locked.

Then he blacked out.


Phil opened the door,Revealing his husband in the middle of the room,Tied to a chair,Unconscious. He ran up to him and cupped the man's face in his hands.

"Dan!,Dan,wake up!"

"Phil!",Then Dan realised,"No,Phil,Go,Run,It's a-"

"Trap",Markus interrupted,Revealing a gun.

Phil's eyes widened.

"untie him"

Phil listened and untied Dan.

"Dan,stand up"

Dan obeyed.

"Now then,Dan,This is what happens when you break promises",He pointed the gun at Phil,holding his finger on the trigger.

"NO..",Dan whispered.

"Okay,I'll give you an option,You come back with me and Brendon,Go back to normal and no one gets hurt,But if you don't.....I shoot your man"

"Kill me",Phil whispered,A lump growing in his throat.

"What's that,Phillip?"

"I said.....Kill me"

"you hear that,Danny?,What you gonna' pick"







"Please Markus!"


"Just kill me"




"Don't do this"




"I love him!"


"I cant't.."


Markus pointed his gun towards Phil,The silver bullet flying through the air.


And then Dan's stomach was pierced.

Old Stranger//Phan Book #2Where stories live. Discover now