Chapter 4

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Phil threw his phone aggressively on the sofa,before sitting down,Head in his hands,A lump was forming in his throat.

He couldnt let himself cry,He hadn't cried in years,The thought of crying was pointless to him,wasting energy on liquid pouring out of his eyes,That's what he told people anyway,But really,He was too scared to cry,He thought it would make him look weak,Make poeple hate him,It's what he was bullied for in school,Crying.

He lay under his covers that night,Wrapping the scent of Dan around him,He knew that Dan wouldn't answer any texts or calls from Phil,but that didn't stop him.

From Phil:Please Dan,I still love you,You over reacted.

From Phil:Dan?????!!!!!

He called him,No answer.

And again,No answer.

He didn't stop until his phone died,He didn't stop until he died inside. He couldnt cope without Dan. He couldnt cope without kissing him,hugging him,he just couldn't cope.


Phil woke to the sound of heavy rain,He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom,opening the medicine cabinet. He grabbed the pot of pills that they had kept and opened it. He poured a tall glass of water and raised the pot to his mouth.

"Goodbye Dan",He whispered.

"Phil?",He heard a familiar voice behind him.

He dropped the pot of pills,They spilled out onto the floor.

"H-Hi Louise"

"The door was open....Phil? What were you doing?"

"Nothing,Nothing important"

"It looked like you were about to swallow them pills",She pointed to the empty pot on the floor"

"Um",Phil looked at the white capsule spilled across his floor,"Didn't Dan come to your last night?"

"Yeah,He was drunk,He told me that you two had an argument,I told him to go home and sort It out,I'm guessing he didn't?"

"No,No he didn't and he's not answering my calls!"

"I'm sure he's fine Phil"

"No! Theres someone after him"

Louise gasped,eyes wide,"we better go and look for him"

Old Stranger//Phan Book #2Where stories live. Discover now